Killzone 2 @ Leipzig resource thread

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25 Min Walkthrough @ Gamespot

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Nice walkthough. Sit back and enjoy ;) This should impress most Killzone 2 followers!

Source: Neogaf -

ps. You gotta love the accent :p

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I guess the Blu-Ray explains the obviously too long loading time in the beginning. That was pretty close to a minute of waiting.

Did anyone else notice that the guy was able to just charge right past the enemies and they would take about 3 seconds to respond. Sure, he was in God Mode, but he still only got shot maybe once or twice. The graphics and motions of the characters are amazing, but unless I see something advance with AI, enemies (once they told you that big guy's weakness he turned into a not so hard bad guy), and more than 5 kinds of grey I won't be impressed. Of course, there will probably be more to come.

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I guess the Blu-Ray explains the obviously too long loading time in the beginning. That was pretty close to a minute of waiting.

Just timed it and it was exactly 30 seconds, not bad for a level that huge I'd say.

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Just timed it and it was exactly 30 seconds, not bad for a level that huge I'd say.

Even if it was only 30 seconds, ask anyone here that with anticipation and waiting for the next level, 30 seconds can seem like forever. Halo 3's save films load in less than half the time, with just as much content in it. I don't see why you have to wait so long for one level, and then wait even longer for it to load during the level at times. I know he said they would smooth it out, but you will probably still have to wait on average another 2 or 3 seconds for it to load between checkpoints.

It isn't the game I hate (mostly the overhype on graphics), but Blu-Ray and Sony's obsession with something that isn't that great.

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Even if it was only 30 seconds, ask anyone here that with anticipation and waiting for the next level, 30 seconds can seem like forever. Halo 3's save films load in less than half the time, with just as much content in it. I don't see why you have to wait so long for one level, and then wait even longer for it to load during the level at times. I know he said they would smooth it out, but you will probably still have to wait on average another 2 or 3 seconds for it to load between checkpoints.

It isn't the game I hate (mostly the overhype on graphics), but Blu-Ray and Sony's obsession with something that isn't that great.

It's what a beta/alpha? Give it time for some more polish.

They have said there will be no in-game loading at all. It's all seamless and that was even shown by the fact they panned the camera from the sky down to the level before it was even visible to the eye!

As for Halo 3 I think it is in much of a more complete state than Killzone 2. Pretty unfair comparison at the moment mate.

Lets not turn this into a Blu Ray argument again either. Developers like Blu Ray in most comments ive heard so thats all that matters. I "play" the games, not the discs ;)

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have really high hopes for KZ2, but i'd like to see you people show me actual, real time play on a stock machine, not a devkit/debug. was it pre-recorded or what? fast forwarding and stuff....hmmm.

but it does look promising. again, in terms of visuals and overall feel Guerilla did a great job with KZ on the PS2, it was a true technical achievement (unlocked) for the platfrom, except the thing dragged on and on and on...let's hope this one's a bit more involved.

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the pics of that base looks like starship troopers lol. gonna be a great game but ill have to wait until i get vista consoles and rts dont mix to hard to play.
It's what a beta/alpha? Give it time for some more polish.

They have said there will be no in-game loading at all. It's all seamless and that was even shown by the fact they panned the camera from the sky down to the level before it was even visible to the eye!

As for Halo 3 I think it is in much of a more complete state than Killzone 2. Pretty unfair comparison at the moment mate.

Lets not turn this into a Blu Ray argument again either. Developers like Blu Ray in most comments ive heard so thats all that matters. I "play" the games, not the discs ;)

Im talking Halo 3 beta films, which also loaded in half the time. I don't want this to be a Blu-Ray argument, I just hate that wait times are so long now compared to old games. Sure, the games have infinitely better content than say... 64, but the wait shouldn't be any longer. With Blu-Ray I have experienced alot of waiting and loading screens, more than I think I should. The only 360 game that compares to it is Chromehounds, which is actually the most unrivaled game I have seen with loading screens and menus (the only part I hate about the game).

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