OSX86 In VMWare

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What You Need:

-VMWare Player 3 (free) Or Workstation 7

(I have not tested fusion yet)

-Snow Leopard DVD Retail

-Virtual Hardware Compatible Processor

-And This (CLICK ME)

Step One:

-Insert your Snow Leopard retail disc into your computer

Step Two:

-Open up Vmware


Step Three:

Go To Your Downloads folder and unzip the file you downloaded above and open the folder


Step Four:

Go back to your VMware window and click Open Virtual Machine and browse to the folder you just unzipped


Step Five:

Open up Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmx not ._Mac OS X Server 10.6 (experimental).vmx


Step Six:

Edit the settings , expand the hard rive, change the ram to anything 512mb of ram and up etc then click on CD/DVD (IDE) and click Use ISO image file then browse to the folder you unzipped and choose the ISO according to your processor.


Step Seven:

Once its chosen save your settings and power on your virtual machine this should come up wait a few minutes


Step Eight:

Click on VM > Settings then click on CD/DVD (IDE) and click USE PHYSICAL DRIVE and pick the drive letter of your Snow Leopard Disc Click Ok then Ok again


Step 9:

Press f5 then the enter key then this will come up


Step 10:

this Window will come up select your language continue wait for it to load


Step 11:

Go to the disk utility then Click on the orange drive go to partition and click one name it whatever you want then go to options and click GUID click ok then apply





Step 12:

close the disk utility then customize it like this



Step 13:

Then install ,it might get stuck at 3 mins


Step 14:

It will come up with an error like this:


just restart

Step 15:

When you reboot it will say operating system not found so Click on VM > Settings then click on CD/DVD (IDE) and click USE ISO image file then browse to the folder you unzipped and choose the ISO according to your processor.



Step 16:

Click VM > Power > Restart

Step 17

use the arrow keys to go to the apple logo then press enter it will load up then this will load up go through this make sure you read it then your desktop will load up



Step 18:

when you want to load it again repeat step 17


(got any errors take a picture of it and i will help)

Vistit prasys.co.cc for more info on Empire EFI (the screen with darth vader that boots the retail dvd

Edited by XCalvin
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Step Six:

Edit the settings , expand the hard rive, change the ram to anything 512mb of ram and up etc then click on CD/DVD (IDE) and click Use ISO image file then browse to the folder you unzipped and choose the ISO according to your processor.

there are no ISO just img files, can i use this under vmware? NOPE i get NO OS Found!

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