10 years ago today I joined

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Well, there you go. It's 10 years since I joined Neowin.

Wow, all those years ago and I still come here daily lol.

I remember when my Nephew told me about this new tech site he'd found, all about Windows. I looked, joined and have been here ever since.

I had a 486 DX4-100 complete with a 750mb HDD with windows 3.1. 14" CRT monitor, and it cost me around ?2000 ($3000). I used Compuserve as my internet provider with a 2400 baud modem. It cost me so much per month to use their "portal" and if I wanted to use the "World Wide Web" it would be more. I frequently went over my monthly limit and ended up with a large phone bill, and Internet bill. lol

Now I'm on 30mb HSI with a nice laptop connected to a 42" HD TV. lol How things change.

Neowin has gone through a few changes over the years too. It has matured from a small niche geek site into a World wide respected site.

So, I wonder if I'll still be here in 10 years?

We wait and see.

Happy Tech Birthday to me! :D

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But...you were using a 486 with Win3.1 in 2001?? That system was retro even back then! :p

Anyway, I've still got some months before I get to 10 years and I'm hoping to be here 10 years later, too.

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Maybe 'cus we're not post ###### lol ;)

I like to come here, view threads, stories etc. If it moves me enough I'll post to it.

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From one Neowin senior to the other: Congratulations.

Are you sure you were still using the 486 in 2001 though?

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Makes me really proud to see the amount of (still active) members that have been here for 10 years, makes me feel like we actually achieved something! lol congrats! and hopefully we'll still be knocking about in ten years time.

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Yes I've been here 10 years myself although didn't register for a while. Came here originally for the latest Windows XP news and stayed around ever since

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Congrats on a cool accomplishment. I like this. I have some time to go myself, but I've been here a few years anyway. I hope like Neobond said there is another 10 years.. you all enjoy them.

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So, this is the topic of the old guys? :laugh:

Yes, it is.

Suggestion: There should be an optional 'Senior Citizen'/'Old Fart' badge members can use instead of their regular one after the 10th anniversary on here. Don't add any extra perks to it, just the badge.

I'd use it instead of the sub2 badge in a heartbeat.

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Agreed Mephistopheles, for the "long timers" it would be nice to get some recognition! The badge is a good idea!

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It will be 10 years for me soon, too. I'm pretty sure I checked the site almot every day since joining too. :)

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