Marvel Studios' Eternals

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Thought we already had a topic on this, but couldn't find it.


Anyway, latest/final trailer....



In theaters November 5th, how about Disney+ ? "We'll see" 


Looks fine.  Big fan of Gemma Chan (Humans was so good)... hopefully she doesn't die in this one like she did in Captain Marvel.





Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), an unexpected tragedy forces the Eternals, ancient aliens who have been living on Earth in secret for thousands of years, out of the shadows to reunite against mankind's most ancient enemy, the Deviants.


Gemma Chan

Richard Madden

Kumail Nanjiani

Lia McHugh

Brian Tyree Henry

Lauren Ridloff

Barry Keoghan

Don Lee

Gil Birmingham

Harish Patel

Kit Harington

Salma Hayek

Angelina Jolie


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I'm looking forward to it. It's Marvel, and they're pretty much killing it.

(Except Captain Marvel and Black Panther, as far as I'm concerned.)

The rest have been freaking awesome, and it's nice to get away

from Iron Man and company for a bit.

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  • 5 months later...

Finally got around to watching this and Disney is really turning me off from future movies.

There are way to many things injected into this movie that didn't need to be known or shown. There was one character that just went no where at the end and then magically came back with no reason or for no reason wth? If they continue I'm sad to say I'm going to have to just give up on following the marvel universe.


I really hope that the next film after this (if there is one cause it was so bad) that they don't include or force certain things onto people that are watching as in a way to trap them into certain beliefs.

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Rotten apple: 6\10

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On 22/01/2022 at 18:29, sava700 said:

to trap them into certain beliefs.

I haven't watched this, but what beliefs would those be? Are are we just on a usual woke crusade here where the littlest bit of inclusion or diversity causes people to lose their minds?

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On 22/01/2022 at 20:51, shockz said:

I haven't watched this, but what beliefs would those be? Are are we just on a usual woke crusade here where the littlest bit of inclusion or diversity causes people to lose their minds?

If you haven't watched it yet then why are you commenting? Watch it and you will see exactly what I mean.

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On 23/01/2022 at 10:43, sava700 said:

If you haven't watched it yet then why are you commenting? Watch it and you will see exactly what I mean.

Lol. Go on, what beliefs are we talking about?

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On 23/01/2022 at 08:43, sava700 said:

If you haven't watched it yet then why are you commenting? Watch it and you will see exactly what I mean.

I've watched it.

What beliefs?

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On 23/01/2022 at 17:43, adrynalyne said:

I've watched it.

What beliefs?

I'm wondering that too... There's no religiosity in the movie so I have NO idea what they're on about...


As movies go, it was okay.  Not as bad as the reviews make out, but not as good as other Marvel movies either.  I think some people expect too much of these things... They're not meant to be Schindler's Lists...

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On 23/01/2022 at 21:08, rmorris003 said:

Go watch explanations on YouTube it explains the whole religious part to this movie.

OR, you could just explain what he's on about?


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On 23/01/2022 at 11:44, shockz said:

Lol. Go on, what beliefs are we talking about?


If you haven't watched it then I can't ..Go on. I'm not spoiling it for others.

All I'm saying is there are things in the movie that didn't need to be there, didn't make a difference or not. Had nothing to do with religion either that belief comment wasn't what I meant to say more like personal aspects of characters. Disney did the same garbage with Star Wars.

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I don't even know what to think of this movie.


I saw it once over several days.  It was boring.  It was a story.  A story that I really didn't care about, I couldn't tell you what anyone did or why they did it, or why anything mattered.  It suffered from the Superman Syndrome:  when you live forever with little threat, everything is boring.  So the characters acted bored.  It was dull.  Things happened.  Whee.


It's comparatively easy to get invested into a single character in a movie about that character, but introducing an ensemble cast and expecting us to get invested is a big challenge.  I just waited until the next deus ex machina event to save them and/or the next event that didn't save them to "add drama".  It played out very badly.  Telegraphed events.  No real surprises.


Maybe I'll watch it again and try to stay awake.


For perspective, yes I've seen every single Marvel TV or movie production made.  I'd rate this the lowest of the lot of them, with the possibility that I'd like it more if I watched it again.  But there's a huge difference between telling a story with characters who happen to be on the screen vs being drawn in and engaged in their journey.  Marvel has done a fantastic job thus far with making us feel the character's pain, their joy, their suffering, because we spend time understanding them.  When an Eternal watches another Eternal die after 5 minutes of screen time, I am watching it with 5 minutes of investment, which is to say, practically none.  It's hard to feel anything about this movie because of the breadth and ensemble, the wholeness of the story makes everything extremely thin.  I get it, it's in there, but I couldn't feel it.   


Like watching Matt Murdock in 30 seconds of screen time is just giddyingly perfect because of that backstory which has been well established.  You know?  I feel there are great stories here that a smaller cast would've been better.


You're not really introduced to the characters properly.  They live forever, they have powers.  What are the powers limits?  It's hard to related to omnipresent beings who are acting all bored with life when you don't know what their strengths or weaknesses are.  So every time I'm to believe Thena is a so-called god of war she gets literally KO'd by some other guy, I start wondering what the heck ... is that lazy writing or what?  Hey, lets mind control the entire world, oh wait, that's bad.  This movie never truly set the boundaries of what people can do.  So when someone dies, I am immediately skeptical because hell, you have a healer, they're immortals, they are the same yet different. who the heck knows.


This has the scope and scale of all the Avengers movies with absolutely none of the backstory that established the individual characters involved.   Marvel to this point has been great about establishing characters, but this is a huge misstep.  I couldn't care less about these characters.  They're gods without being gods, immortal yet mortal, shifting powers as it suits the story, bland enemies with an uninspired story.


When establishing characters you have to relate.  Every character in this story was bored, looking for a spark of life in eternity.  Yep, I got that message. 


Admittedly I might've just had a bad few days.

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On 24/01/2022 at 10:46, mram said:


I feel mostly the same, its feels like they wanted to bring these characters into the MCU, but didnt want to do a full backstory so rushed it through in 1 movie. A TV series with a full back story would have been better (15ish episodes). But at the moment it just feels like an intro into the characters/villains who survived, so they can being them into future movies for other characters.

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On 23/01/2022 at 16:37, sava700 said:


If you haven't watched it then I can't ..Go on. I'm not spoiling it for others.

All I'm saying is there are things in the movie that didn't need to be there, didn't make a difference or not. Had nothing to do with religion either that belief comment wasn't what I meant to say more like personal aspects of characters. Disney did the same garbage with Star Wars.

Give some examples. Mark it a spoiler if needed. 

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I think what I enjoyed about this film was mostly wrapped up in the world building. It was long, it was slow, and the plot was mediocre. But the world building around the Eternals was what kept me engaged the whole time. It was a massive setup film, and I understand why people may not enjoy it. But I don't think it deserves the panning it's getting either.

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I wasn't impressed with this movie, honestly at this point the MCU movies and tv series are just part of the machine, churning.  Pushing you to the next one in this endless cycle.  MCU for me died/ended with Endgame.  Sorry, but it's done.  This new phase is just the same format reskinned kicking the can down to the next movie/tv series to come in and kick it down the road again.

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Watched this last night and just felt... they missed the spot didn't they!  I know there's a LOT of setup to do for the next big bad, but this movie felt like it was just a vehicle to the next thing, had very little of its own.  Characters were a step backwards, looked like a DC film, just... no.

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The story was fine, but the movie was bloated and too long.  Looking forward to what comes out of this and how it will formally intertwine with the rest of the MCU.... because there is always something else at play in this ongoing saga.



For example, I can see the folks out in space mingling with the Guardians soon, or crossing path's with Captain Marvel.


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I tried to watch it twice... fell a sleep both times (need to find time to watch it mid day and not in the evening before sleep) :/ As a fan of Marvel movies, saw every one of them multiple times, this one was a let down. Can't stomach it for some reason, its even worse then Guardians of the galaxy and before i saw this one i thought that was a bad movie series... But looking on the bright side, i like 3/4 currently released phase 4 MCU movies, but still feel like i'm gonna miss infinity saga MCU :/

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On 23/01/2022 at 23:37, sava700 said:


If you haven't watched it then I can't ..Go on. I'm not spoiling it for others.

All I'm saying is there are things in the movie that didn't need to be there, didn't make a difference or not. Had nothing to do with religion either that belief comment wasn't what I meant to say more like personal aspects of characters. Disney did the same garbage with Star Wars.

If you're in a thread about a movie, you should expect spoilers.  That being said, there ARE spoiler tags, you know.


So, are you perhaps referring to: 



Sprite? The immortal girl (I thought was a boy at first), with a bad case of Peter Pan syndrome, with a touch of Pinocchio-itis for added flavour?


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The critics panned this movie. I don't believe in critics so I went ahead and saw it and I didn't think it was bad at all. It was quite entertaining. Not a perfect movie, but it wasn't bad at all.

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On 25/01/2022 at 07:32, spacelordmaster said:

The critics panned this movie. I don't believe in critics so I went ahead and saw it and I didn't think it was bad at all. It was quite entertaining. Not a perfect movie, but it wasn't bad at all.

It gets you through a bucket of popcorn, which is the most anyone can expect from a superhero movie, really...

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On 25/01/2022 at 02:33, FloatingFatMan said:

It gets you through a bucket of popcorn, which is the most anyone can expect from a superhero movie, really...

To me, Iron Man 2 was the worst Marvel movie ever. Boring as hell.

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