Need some advice

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Hey guys I am in need of some advice.

I am 21 and taking my driving theory on Thursday and hoping I pass that then my practical part of the driving test very soon after, here is where my problem starts I am wanting to be driving straight away but i do not have much money to my name and I do not want to borrow money off my parents also i want a decent car so after all of this I am thinking of getting a loan then I will have all the money i need there and then and will be able to get a decent car.

Now I hand this over to you guys.

Thanks for reading

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I like it!

Anyway I already have a job but I just don't quite know where all my money goes each month :s

Do you not keep track of your banking? Also, not sure where you are from but in Canada the licensing system =

at 16 you can take written test. This lets you drive with a person who has been fully licensed for 4 years. Never alone and not on anything faster than 80KM/h.

1 year later (or 10 months with drivers ed) you can take the road test. Which lets you drive alone, but can only have certain passengers and at certain times.

Then 1 year later, you do your final test, which gives you your full license, which aside from vehicle weight, and alcohol limit the restrictions are lifted.

So here it would be pointless to have your own car especially if you are just starting. Also, Loans = repayment, plus they are based on credit checks and such. They aren't walk in walk out, chances are you may need your parents to co-sign one. My advice.. get a cheap car for the sake of having one, run it into the ground, but save for a nice car during that time.

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And this is the problem I see...


Mate, your first car should be kinda old, kinda sketchy - something you can learn to fix yourself, something you can take a few knocks in, something you can tinker with and actually understand you car.

It should not be the reason for a large loan on a car that statistically you are likely to ruin and still have to pay for.

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