Terrorists' perseverance and power of will

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Terrorism comes and goes. Since the dark ages, bandits terrorised trade caravans and robbed them but sooner or later these people were fought off by guards that accompanied the caravans wherever they went. But what America is facing now is something that will not vanish so easily....They're not like the IRA who were decommisioned recently. These people have a purpose and a religion to back them up. Maybe they were made to belive whatever the hell they're doing was right, but in the end, they belive that they're killing people as a fulfillment to Islam.....And these people aren't barbarians. They are feirce enemies that should not only be feared, but also respected, not underestimated.

These are only a few things that make them dangerous predators:

A) Very well trained with firearms and explosives

B) Very faithful to God, so they will fight feircly and will blow themselves up in a bunch of ppl (Which is unholy in any religion even if you're fighting for God/country/whatever) if they were ordered which brings us to....(

C) Very loyal to their commanders. They will wrap a bomb around their waists and they will blow themselves up in their own families on command.

D) Very rich and can buy WMDs... Recently, I've read an article about a nuke which was smuggled into the US...not sure if its authentic though...

E) Increasing at a ridiculous rate...Soon enough, they'll be controlling countries...like Iran maybe??

F) They're hiding in massive deserts...you can never find them in the dunes and the huge mountains...although, the US know where they are. THEY KNOW WHERE HE IS. THEY HAVE SENT SPY DRONES AND THEY CAN PINPOINT HIS LOCATIONWITH THEIR SPACE TECHNOLOGY...

G) Very strategic. Its been said that Bin Laden was trained by Americans but then he went rogue..anyway, Bin laden only recruits the most strategic masterminds to aid his cause

H) They have a cause, and they've been taught that the Quraan backs up everything they're doing...even though its not

The purpose of this thread is not to embrace nor justify terrorism, I'm just trying to tell you ppl to FEAR AND RESPECT your enemies. They maybe bastards, but they're clever bastards who can kill 5,000,000 ppl in your country with one single bomb and I know you ppl know what kind of bomb I'm talking about. I've come to respect how advanced and open minded some Israelis are, but that doesn't mean I love them...It only means that I respect how advanced they are and I would be afraid if we went to war with them again, because they're far more superior to us military-wise, and I thank God that Kisenger was able to seize the Yom-Kippur war which we would've lost...

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Are you a terrorist? This thread serves no purpose. It is nothing more than flame bait.


That question made me laugh...you know...normally I'd just say no...but this time I'll say yes, if you consider all muslims terrorists. And yes I hate America and its policy, and no I hate what terrorists do, but I respect their perseverance.

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I see terrorists as a bunch of misguided fools who have (in many cases) hijacked a perfectly good religion and are willing to kill perfectly innocent people to further their misguided goals against an "enemy" that has nothing against the terrorists except for the fact that the terrorists are bent on killing them and/or making them bend to their will.

What is there to admire about that?

Who cares about how loyal//smart/rich/determined/persevering they are, they're nuts!

Now you said you hate America and its policy. Therefore, as an inquiring mind, I have a couple of questions for you:

1) Have you ever been here?

2) Which policy? or policies?

3) Why do you hate America?

3) Do you think Texans really look like this? http://www.resnet.trinity.edu/avaselaa/texans.jpg

And yeah, if history is any guide, Egypt definitly doesn't want to fight Israel.

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