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AMD Opteron launch damaged by motherboard shortage

THERE MAY BE PLENTY of AMD Opteron microprocessors around but getting hold of motherboards to plug them into is a different matter altogether. Resellers from North America, from Europe and from Asia have all written to the INQUIRER in the last week to complain of a scarcity of third party boards for the top-end 64-bit chips.

A US reseller told us today: "The world could really, really use an article that tries to figure out why K8 boards seem to be so very sparse. my local AMD rep desperately wants me to have the pair of 240s he's had in his desk for months, but can't seem to scrape up a board." That picture is repeated in Europe. A Scandinavian reseller said that while processor in a box Opterons have been available for a fair while through his distributors, finding enough motherboards to complete sales is a different matter altogether.

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News source: The Inq

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