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Getright 4.5C

Thanks DJ and Alexander Ivanchev for this one. A list of most of the changes and improvements in GetRight 4.5c. No really big new features; mostly bug fixes and other nice smaller improvements.

  • Weird one, crashed when first starting a download. Seemed to mostly happen with Windows XP Pro, but did happen with other versions of Windows too.

  • History sometimes didn't include all items. The Windows functions for writing INI files just stop working if the file gets bigger than 32kb. (And so whether it works or not depends on things like how long the URLs and paths are!)

    Made up some replacement functions that work better for big files.

  • Browser, for HTTP, wasn't processing /../ things for the display right, just caused extra "/.." items in the left tree.

  • Fix so if in automatic mode and prompting for password for a site times out, it doesn't turn off automatic mode. Plus bumped up the password-list limit a little.

  • Fix so parses out user:pass@ from URLs (https://user:pass@www.server.com/...) when changing the URL by hand.

  • Added menu item so you can Hide the download window if it is minimized to a tray icon.

  • Fixed handling directories when trying to save to a network share. (So won't convert ServerPath to C:ServerPath anymore.)

  • Occasionally got people saying the GetRight Browser wouldn't show the full page...and could never figure why or reproduce it. Someone finally said it just happens to them when the Speed Limit is on! Should be fixed now. (Thanks to N.Smith for finding the cause!)

  • Will just do a very simple list (one URL per line), but added so GetRight Browser can export a list of selected URLs.

  • Fix a bug that was causing mirror searching to not work sometimes.

  • By popular request, bumped up the Segmenting limits more. Up to 4 per server and 10 total.

  • Added to have a * in the menus for segmented ones that are paused or waiting for busy servers (on the download window Options button menu). This makes it easier to find ones if you want to switch to a different server.
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