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Intel to Roll out new Itanium Chips

Intel is expected to announce next week what may be the last batch of single-core Itanium processors, CNET News.com has learned.

According to a source familiar with Intel's plans, the chipmaking giant will introduce on Monday two Itanium 2 processors from its 64-bit Madison lineup. The chips will run at speeds of 1.66GHz, with computer memory cache sizes of 9MB and 6MB, respectively, and are expected to be snatched up by mainframe computer makers such as Hitachi, Fujitsu and Silicon Graphics Inc.

Prices for the new Itanium processors were not made available at press time. Intel currently sells similar processors for as much as $4,227 in large quantities with a 400MHz front-side bus that speeds data to and from the chip. The new versions are expected to ship with a front-side bus that can reach 667MHz.

News source: C|Net News.com

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