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Netizens: Do Your Duty (?)

Could be a bit old, but I thought this was still worthy...

Keeping your home computer's antivirus software updated is not just sensible - it could be a way to demonstrate your patriotism.

Richard Clarke, the [US] president's computer security adviser, said that an upcoming national plan to protect cyberspace will include expectations for home users, as well as large companies and the government. "Every American relies upon cyberspace and every American has to do something to secure their part of cyberspace," Clarke said of the plan, which will be released Sept. 19 in Silicon Valley.

Clarke said the plan, which is being hashed out among government officials with input from technology firms, is the Internet component to the national strategy for homeland defense announced by President Bush. The government is struggling with how to protect the nation's critical computer systems from attack by hackers and terrorists. Most of the country's most sensitive computers - such as those that control water supplies, electrical power and financial institutions - are run by private companies.

The cyberspace plan will include recommendations in five categories, Clarke said. Those are home and small-business users; major corporations; "sectors" like banking, utilities and the government; national issues; and global Internet issues.

News source: bcentral.com

View: Home Users Part of Net Security Plan

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