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PKware Doles Out Free Desktop Encryption Software

PKware Inc. Tuesday began giving away its flagship desktop data encryption product, SecureZIP. SecureZIP Standard Version 11, which runs on Windows, supports passphrase- and digital signature-based encryption, or both simultaneously, said PKware. The application also integrates with popular e-mail clients, such as Microsoft Corp.'s Outlook, to let users encrypt and digitally sign both the message body and any file attachments.

"We conducted a survey at the RSA Conference in February that showed that while 86 percent of more than 100 respondents were very concerned or extremely concerned about their confidential personal information falling into the wrong hands, almost one-third admitted they don't use any tools to ensure that the files they send and store are protected," said Tim Kennedy, PKware's chief operating officer, in a statement.

Download: SecureZIP
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News source: PCWorld

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