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PowerUser.TV e55: Vista RC1, Privacy Issues, PS3 News & More

This week the gang talks about IBM once again building the Fastest Supercomputer Ever, Amazon.com unwraps its Unbox movie service, and Facebook takes a beating over privacy options. Speaking of privacy, the team also discusses how Diebold Voting Machines can easily be hacked in 4 minutes flat without a trace. Also, feds shut down a major spyware operation and hit them for 2 million bucks. Also discussed is the possibility of Windows Vista being delayed in Europe as well as how far Vista RC1 has come since Beta 2 and what to expect from it in the future. In News of the Ridiculous, Microsoft attempts to patent conjugating verbs. This stuff can't be made up, folks...

In game news, Sony confirms 500,000 PS3s for the November 17th launch(and even if they do, it won't contain an HDMI cable) and the team talk about how they just continue to drop the ball. Also, Never winter Nights gets pushed back and Joel discusses the new Sam & Max game coming out in about a month and highly recommends it.

Brad talks about the 2006 GUI Championships.

Kristin regales us with tales of her travels and, as usual, there's plenty of banter and stories to keep you entertained. Get it now whileits hot!

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