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Product Use Rights change allows Microsoft snooping?

Warp2search are reporting on what could turn out to be something of a trojan horse in the latest Product Use Rights (PUR) version (January). Lets see then..

In the new January version of the "Product Use Rights (PUR) " from Microsoft there is a small sentence shown, which looks a bit like a trojan horse...

...The licensee recognizes on that Microsoft may examine the computer of the user automatically for versions of the used software and download updates for it...

Hmm, I remember visiting Windows Update yesterday and being comforted by:

Note Windows Update does not collect any form of personally identifiable information from your computer.

So this is FUD or it means Microsoft really do want to see what we have installed? I dunno, its very confusing, the one minute you are anonymous to your Windows License (the one you bought but don't actually own) and the next, Microsoft can examine the software in your system! Come on Microsoft, lets have some clear guidelines here!

News source: Heise.de (German)

View: Product Use Rights (PUR) page 6, top left PDF Document @ Microsoft

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