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Redhat 8 Professional reviewed

Thanks Eric of Techseekers.net, they have reviewed the Boxed Version of RedHat 8 Professional and compared it against Windows XP in terms of use for the average user.

    The biggest problem for Linux for desktop use was the lack of uniform interface or style. With all the different GUI styles (window managers) and the configuration nightmare that was Xfree86 people were just afraid to use Linux, also compatibility with those who still used Windows was also very important. Enter RedHat 8 Professional. This is the latest distribution from RedHat. RedHat 8 has made waves with its new interface called Bluecurve™.

    Bluecurve™ is a uniform graphical user interface with convenient and logical access to applications and settings. RedHat 8 Pro also integrates OpenOffice.org an office suite that is compatible with the well known Microsoft Office.

Interesting fresh 6 page review, worth a look.

View: Redhat 8 Professional review @ Techseekers

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