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Top Ten Babes in Games

Let's face it, in the world of entertainment two things sell: sex and violence. Some out there will try to push both. So why should video games be any different? After all, guys dominate most of the video-game market. If there are two things to get a guy's attention, it's blowing things up and babes. (No, that's meant to be a pun, keep your minds out of the gutter will ya?) The babe factor hasn't always worked; sometimes it sells a game, sometimes it backfires. Still, in an era of pretty explosions, new and improved flying corpses, and *ahem* rounder polygons, its only natural that most companies will try to outdo each other in the world of sex, guns, and developer's code.

So, with that mind, from the subtle to the shamelessly flaunting it, GameSpy gives you the "Top Ten Sexiest Babes in Games."

News source: GameSpy

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