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Windows Update v5 Beta, Soon!

Thanks bluebsh for this news. Yesterday Windows Update testers received an email about WUv5, the next version of Windows Update, below is a bit of the email:


This post is effectively a mini-FAQ for WU Beta. Hopefully it will help resolve some questions we have received from the beta community at large.

Firstly, what exactly constitutes WU v4 beta versus WU v5 beta?

WU v4beta is currently running. There aren't many beta content packages anymore, but occasionally we have some special beta projects to work on - a recent example would be the two "Beta Express" packages. We usually notify our beta testers before and when we start on each beta project, including a dispersal of testing instructions. By the way, we will have another beta project in about two weeks - be prepared!

WU v5beta is still in the preparation stage, and it will be quite different from the current site. We will provide the details later when we have a complete implementation, but what follows is a very brief and high-level overview of the v5beta program (keep in mind, these are forward-looking statements and subject to change as the design evolves)

News source: In-House

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