Call of Duty Elite pricing and more revealed

Call of Duty Elite, the online service for fans of the popular first person shooter series, was first announced back in May. At the time the game"s publisher Activision said that many of the features will be free to access but others would require a fee. Today, the publisher announced that the premium Call of Duty Elite features will cost fans $49.95 a year to access. The pricing and other details were released as part of a newly relaunched Call of Duty Elite web site.

The service, which is currently in beta testing, will officially launch on November 8, the date that the next game in the series, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, ships to stores. The features that will be available to all of its users will include creating your player profile, joining public groups and private clans, and guides for the game"s levels, weapons and other aspects. Free users will also be able to upload custom gameplay videos and access Call of Duty Elite from a variety of outlets, including apps made for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 devices.

For members who pay $49.95 a year, perhaps the biggest benefit will be free access to Modern Warfare 3"s future downloadable content. Activision is promising that the game will have monthly DLC releases that will add new maps, game play modes, missions and more. Paid members will also have access to more advanced clan features, eight times the storage space for uploading gameplay videos, daily competitions for prizes, exclusive Call of Duty themed entertainment content and more.

If you are an Xbox 360 or PS3 owner, an easy way to get access to Call of Duty Elite"s premium features is simply to buy the Hardened Edition of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. Activision has announced the contents of the special edition of the game, which will be priced at $99.99. Buyers will get a year"s free access to Call of Duty Elite"s premium features as part of the package. It also comes with a 100 page "field journal" that goes over the entire Modern Warfare storyline as well as other extras.

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