PowerToys 0.35 released with various improvements, still no video conference mute tool

It"s been almost a month since the last major stable release of PowerToys, and today Microsoft decided that was a long enough wait. The company has made PowerToys version 0.35 available for download, and with it come a few improvements, including new shortcuts to quickly swap between different layouts in FancyZones.

One thing that still isn"t included is the long-promised video conference mute tool. Microsoft announced this tool all the way back in September and has been release experimental builds of PowerToys ever since, but it still isn"t ready for a stable release. The tool allows users to mute their microphone or camera on system-wide, so they don"t have to do it manually for different video conferencing tools. Another experimental release, version 0.36, is planned for next week with support for the tool, and the team believes it"s almost ready to ship it in the stable release after that.

Aside from that, this release mostly consists of fixes and under-the-hood improvements. PowerToys Run has a couple of notable improvements, like the ability to specify where to show the launcher window and a new plugin to add support for opening previously-used Visual Studio Code works spaces.

With this release, Microsoft has also announced that version 0.37, the next major stable release, will start requiring Windows 10 version 1903 or higher. Currently, while version 1903 is recommended, you should be able to run it on version 1803, but that will no longer be the case. The team says it may be able to increase version support again when it migrates to WinUI 3, but for now, users on older versions of Windows will be stuck with version 0.35.

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