Steve Ballmer: first Surface sales are "modest"; hypes Windows 8 Pro version

When Microsoft started taking pre-orders of its new Windows RT-based Surface tablet in late October, it appeared that sales of the device were pretty high, thanks to high back order numbers. Since then, the Microsoft Store online site apparently has enough Surface tablets for anyone that wants one, at least in the US.

Microsoft has yet to reveal any official sales numbers of the Surface tablet, and this weekend, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer tried to down play sales of the Windows RT version. In an online extract from an interview he gave to the French newspaper LeParisien. he said simply that sales of the Surface so far have been "modest."

Oddly, Ballmer also hyped up the upcoming launch of the Windows 8 Pro version of the Surface, saying that it will be "unique", and added that it will be "equipped with a new Intel processor with a higher screen resolution." That would seem to be an indication that Microsoft knows some people, while they like the idea of the Surface tablet itself, may be waiting to buy the Windows 8 Pro version. It"s scheduled to be launched sometime in early 2013.

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