How to dictate a message with your voice using Windows key + H

Hi, I"m Adam, I"m known as Warwagon on the forum. For the past 19 years, I"ve been operating my own computer repair business. In doing so, I deal with the average computer user on a day-to-day basis.

Every bit of information I provide for people, I do so with the lowest common denominator in mind. It"s a common misconception that everyone who joins or browses a tech site is a techie. Some people are just looking for guidance. That is why for some, these tech tips may seem a bit too simplistic but they are educational for others.

On Windows 10 and Windows 11, pressing Windows key + H on your keyboard, allows you to dictate a message with your voice on any text box.

I use this feature all the time. It really does a great job of transcribing what you say. I also use it when I"m trying to type a word but doing such a horrible job that even the spell checker has no idea what I am trying to type.

It looks a little different between Windows 10 and Windows 11 but the functionality is the same.

Happy Computing!

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