8 Skin Pack 2.0 : Transform Windows 7 To Windows 8 Build 7989 theme

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tried it and it worked

i am not the author or affiliated in anyway

use at your own risk , be caution!

credit goes to hamadanger@devinart

Clicky for download

Transform Windows 7 To Windows 8 Build 7989


- Windows 7 SP1

- X86(32Bit) and X64(64Bit)

- All Language Versions


Edited by Ci7
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's the most hideous thing i've ever seen in transformation pack history :o

yep...have to agree..if this is where W8 is going then it will need a major overhaul.

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*It's ugly as hell anyway so nobody will be missing it..

**I can link to all the original works if requested with the proper licenses

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It looks like a ballsed up version of Vista! My God, that people can get excited over **** like this! Everyone is still raving over Windows 7 and now we are going to have to listen the "windows 8" bull**** for the next year and how it's the greatest invention since sliced bread!!!

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It looks like a ballsed up version of Vista! My God, that people can get excited over **** like this! Everyone is still raving over Windows 7 and now we are going to have to listen the "windows 8" bull**** for the next year and how it's the greatest invention since sliced bread!!!

This transformation pack is horrid, but the actual implementation of the metro theme in Windows 8 is far more streamlined and I adjusted to it rather quickly. Don't judge the real product based on someone's crappy mashup.

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The boot screen flag reminds me of when Vista was codename Longhorn and all the Plex stuff started popping up everywhere. But the login is nice that's about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's wrong with you all? That looks better than the default Windows 7 look, although I'd prefer it be all white like Zune Desktop Software in settings.

Nothing really flows..

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What do you mean nothing really flows? The Metro design language is about being less in your face and more out of the way. That's a good thing, and it's what this theme does.

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What do you mean nothing really flows? The Metro design language is about being less in your face and more out of the way. That's a good thing, and it's what this theme does.

Which is precisely why I think Windows 8 will fail, should they stick to this sort of design. God damn fugly and irritating to look at. :cool:

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The login/lock screen is cool, I agree. The boot screen looks like it could be cool looking as well. But the UI...not so much. Besides, I've seen some of the design ideas before in other Win7 skins, and done much better, too.

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What do you mean nothing really flows? The Metro design language is about being less in your face and more out of the way. That's a good thing, and it's what this theme does.

This has no representation of how Microsoft handles Metro, the colors are messed up in this pack.

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