Microsoft splits up its XAML team

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Microsoft splits up its XAML team: What's the fallout?

The development platform and tools strategy at Microsoft is getting increasingly complex, especially around XAML/Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight. Here?s the latest.

Microsoft on June 20 split up its XAML team, sending part of it to Windows, part to Windows Phone and leaving part in the Developer Division, according to an e-mail from Developer Division chief Soma Somasegar dated June 20....

From: S. Somasegar

Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011

To: Client and Mobile Team

Cc: Developer Division FTE; Steven Sinofsky; Julie

Larson-Green; Terry Myerson; David Treadwell

Subject: Bringing together client platform efforts


Over the last couple of years, our Client and Mobile team has done a fantastic job of building a number of XAML related technologies that have been a huge value add to the Microsoft client platforms and an instrumental part of delighting our developer customers. The agility and customer focus that the team has demonstrated over the years has been a pleasure to watch.

Today, we are making some organization changes to bring our platform technologies under a single management structure. These changes are centered around three focus areas:

? The team working on XAML technologies for Windows will move to Windows.

? The team working on XAML technologies for Windows Phone, Xbox and browser plugin will move to Windows Phone.

? The Client and Mobile tools teams, including Windows Phone tools and XAML tools, will stay in DevDiv.

These changes are all effective immediately. From a performance review perspective, we will do this year?s performance review underthe DevDiv organization model.

I want to thank Kevin Gallo and the team for all the great work that they have done over the years. Moving forward, I?m very excited to bring the client platform efforts closer to the platform teams. There is a lot of very exciting and critical work underway as part of our next wave of platform releases and I am very eagerly looking forward to seeing the team?s work in the hands of our developers and customers.

The follow-up emails will provide more details on thechanges to those impacted. Please join me in wishing Kevin and the team all the very best as we move forward. If you have any questions about this change, please let your manager or me know.


There?s seemingly a battle between Windows and DevDiv inside Microsoft, and it sure looks like the advantage is with WinDev right now....

...Microsoft is doing itself more disservice than service by refusing to offer Silverlight and WPF developers even the most bare-bones official reassurance that there are plans to continue to support these technologies in Windows 8. The silence (and promises that all will be revealed at September at the Build conference) is creating a lot of unnecessary fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD)....;content

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