XNA games no longer limited to 30fps in Windows Phone Mango

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Windows Phone 7 games developed using XNA will no longer be limited to 30fps in Windows Phone 7.5 Mango. 30hz will still be the default when starting a new project but the developer will have the option to change this and let the game sync with the devices display refresh rate which is usually 58/60hz on the current handsets:

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A better idea: Let Xbox Live developers code in native. We want good looking games, developers are going to need it. I haven't played a single consistently smooth, good looking game on any of the 5 WP7 devices I have access too.

And jeppers, Hydro Thunder Go! is one ugly game too. If developers had native access and hte ability to write shaders, we'd get so many more graphically impressive and better performing games. (Also, whats up with the screenshots in the marketplace for Hydro Thunder looking amazing, but the actually game looking like a blurry low res upscaled mess? Big dissapointment :p)

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I've been impressed with the graphical quality of WP7 games. Personally I'm not a fan of 3D games on phones I think cartoon graphics just work a lot better.

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I think cartoon graphics just work a lot better.

I generally agree, just because games like this usually are casual and fast/fun action.

Regardless, I hope existing games get updates to utilize a higher frame-rate - for those that can.

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Coding games of all things in native would cause problems IMO, specially with changes MS will be doing to the core OS. And hell, last thing I need is a game crashing my phone like they used to crash my PC.

All MS needs to do is update XNA to support more shaders or just programible shaders and that'll do the job.

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Coding games of all things in native would cause problems IMO, specially with changes MS will be doing to the core OS. And hell, last thing I need is a game crashing my phone like they used to crash my PC.

All MS needs to do is update XNA to support more shaders or just programible shaders and that'll do the job.

I'd say coding games would be the only thing they allow in C++. Games are designed as high performance applications, which you can't get that well in XNA & C#. The main problem with XNA at the moment is that is just can't perform very well. I've heard people saying games on Windows Phone would easily graphically beat anything on an iPhone - and they'd have to be practically insane to say that. The iPhone can simply blow away what Windows Phone games can do stuck in the XNA environment. A lot of it has to do with the fact that they've got a better processor and GPU (even though they have to push to a greater screen res), but it's also got to do with them being able to write in a more performant programming language, among other things.

They've made some improvements in Mango, in respects to getting a general slightly better GPU performance through framework optimization, and better garabage collection which will help save the odd dropped frame, but it's no match for letting approved Xbox Live developers access to C++. And anyway, how often to you see a games console freeze or crash these days? Very rarely I'd bet, I've never had a crash on my 360, and I'd much prefer performance boosts and a better all round gaming experience, and so would the big gaming houses.

Windows Phone 7 already has DirectX on it, allow LIVE developers to build their games on that with C++ like they're used too, will a couple of WP7 specific API's to handle audio and tombstoning, and it'd pretty much be solid through all OS updates, go through all the proper QA and testing, and then put it out. Which reminds me... the QA & Testing at the moment for Xbox LIVE games seems rather terrible - nearly everything single game that comes out has some glaring bug, and many of them tend to be annoying ones like deleteing saves, achievements that won't unlock, the game not even starting, etc.

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Good, maybe Doodle Jump won't run like **** anymore. I mean the dev. is dedicated to iOS platform, the WP7 port sucks. Android version is okay, but receives practically no updates.

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