Windows Phone Tango designed for low-priced handsets?

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Further details of Microsoft?s rumored Windows Phone ?Tango? update surfaced on Tuesday.

Tango is believed to be an interim release between Windows Phone 7.5 ?Mango? and the next-generation of Windows Phone, currently codenamed ?Apollo.? Mary Jo Foley at ZDNet reports that the update could be aimed at low-price Windows Phone handsets. There is reportedly two versions of Tango scheduled for release before Windows Phone ?Apollo? is ready. Tango is allegedly designed with Nokia in mind and focussed on lowering the price point for entry Windows Phone handsets.

Foley claims that Tango could be targeted at the Asian market. The report backs up recent news around Tango. Windows Phone build 7.10.8200 was recently discovered in server side logs of a Windows Phone application. A screenshot, believed to be a Tango build, also leaked last week and demonstrated a new device search feature for Windows Phones.;content

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Hmmm, we'll have to wait for more details to emerge but I hope this doesn't lead to another version of Windows Phone and a split code base. Hopefully it just means that they're optimising the OS further to allow it to run on cheaper hardware (which would mean that it would run even faster on top-end hardware).

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Yea . Please don't divide. Make it better like w7 after vista. Meaning it will run even better on old hardware. Wow. Now that will be fun!

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This could be a mear UI type deal and a services type API change so that WP7 can a) work better on some smaller screens, and b) not eat up data and require a data plan which most of the "low end/budget" phone buyers can't pay for.

Personally I always thought tango was going to be a media/skydrive type update, but ya, we'll just have to wait and see.

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I was under the impression that Microsoft's low-end strategy was waiting for the current minimum specs to trickle down to the "mid-low and low end". Then again, for sheer sales number it makes sense to target more affordable phones.

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i would want the tango update to allow for more accent colors.

And maybe an option to also change the background from white and black to some color too.

i mean blue background with white tiles and text would look very nice.

still :p maybe im asking too much.

but id want more accents atleast. and custom ringtones. Rest is all good pretty much :)


maybe its already there somewhere. But i dont find any advanced options for WiFi. or data package. I mean.. there should be an option to limit DATA CONNECTION to like 100mb per day.. after that it wont work for the rest of the day..

some small features they can add to make their OS kind of complete.

I will be supporting MS for more years. But if they are listening only then.

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This could be a mear UI type deal and a services type API change so that WP7 can a) work better on some smaller screens, and b) not eat up data and require a data plan which most of the "low end/budget" phone buyers can't pay for.

Personally I always thought tango was going to be a media/skydrive type update, but ya, we'll just have to wait and see.

Yeah, I think it will be more of that too. Support for smaller screens, etc. I don't think they're going to branch it. Microsoft as a company has been moving further and further away from that in general.

All in all, WP7 is going to be very exciting going forward. I can't wait to see what they do with it (But I want Mango first. lol).

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i would want the tango update to allow for more accent colors.

And maybe an option to also change the background from white and black to some color too.

i mean blue background with white tiles and text would look very nice.

still :p maybe im asking too much.

but id want more accents atleast. and custom ringtones. Rest is all good pretty much :)


maybe its already there somewhere. But i dont find any advanced options for WiFi. or data package. I mean.. there should be an option to limit DATA CONNECTION to like 100mb per day.. after that it wont work for the rest of the day..

some small features they can add to make their OS kind of complete.

I will be supporting MS for more years. But if they are listening only then.

Custom ringtones are coming in Mango.

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