Hining IP Addres

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What does this have ANYTHING to do with Customizing windows 9x & 2k?

besides this was posted in another section as well...

Please dont crosspost.


and the answer to your question is NO

if you want a more technical answer of why you cant do it, use google.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes you could do that, but if the router belonged to you there would be no point, if you wanted to be anonymous for something.

You could go through a proxy, but those are hard to come by and people don't just give out proxy names and passwords.

Or, you could use an anonymous web surfing service. (type in any URL in the upper left box and your IP won't show up on any logs)

Hope that helps, sorry people hafta be so mean because they think they know everything ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

99% of the time when I hear people ask this question (and people ask it a lot), they always expect their to be some simple program they can run on their computer that will just make their (real) IP address "invisible" to everybody else. Yes, using NAT can *sort of* do this, even though the IP address websites see is the same thing as it was before. Anonymous proxys are a great way to go if you can find a good one (good luck), but portals like anonymizer.com often have "fine print" in their TOS which makes service, well, not so anonymous. And even then, it just "shields" you from the websites you tell it to visit, not the internet in general.

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There are ways to surf anonymously. A proxy (middleman) is the way it is done.

Here is one place to start:


The newest version of Ad Muncher has a feature which allows you to search from their list of proxies and "bounce" your IP around. Proxomitron allows you to use a proxy as well.

Man, some people sure have a ****-poor attitude here.

The glib-one here trys to help people when they ask for it, not give sarcastic flames.

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thanks mozart, that helped me.

and for the record, if

>Vlad, didnt pick it up the first time..

larry asked "Does anyone know how to hide the IP? masking I think it's called. Thanks"

not for a 1 step solution.

>Vlad No. You can't do it in the manner that you're thinking, so don't bother asking

it doesnt hurt to ask, when there some 20 000+ people visiting these forums.

for a list of proxies (http and ftp) constantly being updated:


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I've always used for a proxy. No clue where it is, but it's reasonably fast and I've never had a problem with it (it does have filtering software on it, so don't try this one for porn or something stupid)

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