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need free dvr software to capture from camera


Have any suggestions? I have the camera but not the software to record. Basically setting up a home made nanny monitor to monitor my kids and their friends when we leave the room (make food for kids, get them something to drink, wipe someones rear, etc). Questionable things have been happening and I would rather have evidence than making accusations to other parents about their kids, esp when my kid is known to tell stories. My wife has deemed herself as the baby sitter and things have gone missing or are getting misplaced among other things.

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usb for now, wireless ip in a teddy bear or some other random object may be coming depending on how this works out.

I have one of these


it is about as big as my little finger, it will probably do the job just fine.

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If you plan to video kids, you better make sure that all parents know and agree to this first.

When you have money missing, mp3 players missing, and not to mention kids alledgedly wipping out their privates trying to get others to do the same...let me know how that goes when you tell your neighbors that this is why you are videoing when they ask. And when your kid says he is afraid to let the doctor see his hoosits because he knows not to let others see it...try to explain that too. K. Otherwise until you have your own, keep out of it, it is very emabarrassing as it is.

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When you have money missing, mp3 players missing, and what have you not to mention kids alledgedly wipping out their privates trying to get others to do the same...let me know how that goes when you tell your neighbors that this is why you are videoing when they ask.

I personally don't have young children round my house. I am simply offering advice that if you are to film young children who you admit you know are getting their genitalia out, you may want to let the parents know first, else you will be opening up yourself to things you may not want to.

I don't appreciate the tone of your response, especially to a genuinely concerned piece of advice.

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I personally don't have young children round my house. I am simply offering advice that if you are to film young children who you admit you know are getting their genitalia out, you may want to let the parents know first, else you will be opening up yourself to things you may not want to.

I don't appreciate the tone of your response, especially to a genuinely concerned piece of advice.

Really, until you do you really have no say. And it isn't like I am going to be posting any of that anywhere. Proof, confrontation, resolution is what I am after. My kids, my house, my responsibility, my rules, you do what you want in your house....I won't question what ever you choose to do.

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And it isn't like I am going to be posting any of that anywhere. Proof, confrontation, resolution is what I am after.

He's trying to make you understand that recording people, even for personal use, "might" just be against the law and if you were to try to use that recording as a proof it might land you in trouble rather than the person you're after.

Secure your angles and make sure what you're doing is acceptable and within the law. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble for trying to prove the misdeeds of someone else.

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Really, until you do you really have no say. And it isn't like I am going to be posting any of that anywhere. Proof, confrontation, resolution is what I am after. My kids, my house, my responsibility, my rules, you do what you want in your house....I won't question what ever you choose to do.

1) It's a forum, I have every say.

2) Recording it is the issue, distributing it would be another.

3) My kids, my house, my responsibility, my rules. But they aren't all your kids, and you (or your wife) invited them into your house and to be around your stuff.

4) I do what I want within my house WITHIN THE LAW and not with little kids.

Look, not sure why you disappeared up your own ass and chose to take an aggressive tone with me - I'm trying to point out that you could be inviting more trouble by filming kids without their parents permission.

Your wife invited these kids in. If she's not up to the task of looking after them, then review the situation! Part of that being not leaving money, mp3 players and so on laying around. There's a reason that becoming a nursery nurse takes time and training, and they have dedicated places not just "some woman".

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It is installed in my home, it is not a violation of my privacy or the privacy of my children or the children that I am watching, by US law. What is unlawful is the recording of audio, I can mute the mic. I would have to check my state regulations about audio recording.

"If your state allows the consent of just one party, you could provide consent on behalf of your child who is a minor and record audio"


"New Jersey makes it a crime to intercept or record an in-person or telephone conversation unless one party to the conversation consents."

My children are all minors and I have the availability to consent on their behalf. Looks like I am not in violation of any law. Thanks for playing.

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Well if you can view the video on your screen something as simple as fraps could be used.


I used it recently to capture output of aquarium screen saver -- my grand daughter loves to watch the fish, she is too young to tell its a looping video.. So recorded like 15 minutes and then I can play it on any TV in the house -- it was great when I first showed it too her, she had me put it on every single screen in the house. It was on my PC, my wifes laptop and the TV in the living room, tv in the kitchen and the guest room -- she was running around the house like crazy watching all the fish ;)

She can not say fish yet, she just makes like a puffing sound like the fish mouths do -- it was funny as hell watching her run around the house doing puh puh making her mouth look like the fishes mouths pointing at every screen ;)

The software worked great, took some really great video!

edit: just notice there are some limitations on the free version - not sure long you can record, I have the full version so not sure if that will work out for you. But there are clearly other software like it that can grab video either of the whole screen or a section.

I would say that more than likely the linked too software already should do it http://video-capture.winavi.com/

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That kind of software normally comes with the camera -- can you not just download it from the makers of that cameras website?

Prob more than your looking to spend, but they do sell whole security camera systems now with dvr recording of like 4 camera's etc.. For like $200 bucks

As to the point of recording kids -- yeah Im with you, its your home etc.. But you never know with the sickos out there these days. But if you put up one of these systems as your home security system. And placed say a sign in your window that your home is under video surveillance I would guess that would cover your ass ;) Kids are recorded all the time every time they enter any place of business these days. Most schools I would think have cameras these days, etc..

check this out -- http://www.ispyconnect.com/

Use your Webcams, IP cams and Microphones as full security devices with motion/ sound detection, recording and instant alerts.

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Yeah the camera came with nothing other than the driver. Unfortunatly that is what I get for a $20 camera. I want to see where this gets me.

Most surveillance systems do not record audio (4th Amendment), I really don't care about the audio. Unfortunatly a webcam can record audio, but I can mute the mic. NJ states that I only need one parties consent to be able to record audio, being that I am a parent I can consend for my child allowing recording to be done. Video can be hit or miss but by placing the camera at an angle that covers the entire room I am sure is fine...it isn't like I am zeroing in on a particular subject or subject matter, nor would I want to.....I have seen enough child abuse crap to make anyone sick due to the job, and I haven't seen as much as the detectives I work for.

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I'm moving into a new flat sometime soon, I'm tempted to setup an ip cam out the window just for curiosity.

And OP: FYI - in the UK it is illegal to video someone without notice. Laws in the US may be different, fair play. I'm just saying that I'd let people know I was filming their kids - not just for legality but also to cover my ass from being "the creepy guy who videos kids" - you know how people can be over that sorta thing!

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