British Airways flight mistakenly tells passengers plane will crash

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LONDON -- Passengers flying over the Atlantic were terrified when it was announced twice that their plane could be about to crash.

British Airways (BA) Flight 206 was at 35,000 feet (10,668 meters), halfway from Miami to London's Heathrow Airport, when the taped message was played by accident.

Screams rang out as it was repeated straightaway.

An Edinburgh man said, "It was about 3:00am. An alarm sounded, and we were told we were about to land in the sea. I thought we were going to die. My wife was crying, and passengers were screaming. Then they played an announcement telling us to just ignore the warnings."

Another passenger said, "When we landed, they were handing out letters apologizing, but it was the worst experience of my life. I don't think BA should get away with this."

A BA spokesman said of the scare en route to Heathrow on Friday, "The cabin crew canceled the announcement immediately and sought to reassure customers that the flight was operating normally. We apologize to customers for causing them undue concern."


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rather awesome that they would have pre recorded audio for telling the passengers that the plane was going to land in the sea.

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An apology letter? Really?

How about refunding the cost of the flight as a minimum to start.

Pffft. How about no? No one was physically hurt and what's more no one died. Perhaps they'll have some new found appreciation for life or some rubbish like that!

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Pffft. How about no? No one was physically hurt and what's more no one died. Perhaps they'll have some new found appreciation for life or some rubbish like that!

Show some understanding of human nature! Those people were truly terrified for no reason or fault of their own. I wouldn't get off the plane thankful I'm alive Id get off being more angry than I ever thought possible. And an apology letter would be extremely insulting.

Surely the means to play that message isn't just a button that can be accidently pressed.

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Pffft. How about no? No one was physically hurt and what's more no one died. Perhaps they'll have some new found appreciation for life or some rubbish like that!

This. If it due to a glitch or accident, nothing was done that was not proper. They immediately stopped the message and cleared it up. Nothing could have or even should have been done different. The harm was done with words and did no actual damage to anyone. The apology is a fitting and proper response. People need to stop thinking they are entitled to something over nothing.

Show some understanding of human nature!

Human nature these days is to sue. Everyone thinks they are entitled to something and that way of thinking needs to stop imo.

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They pushed the wrong button :)

The plane was wired wrong. Instead of the lavatory in use light turning on, the "we are all going to die" message was played every time someone had to take a dump. :shifty:

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Hell, I think I'm going to die every time I get on the road due to other drivers. This is nothing but a simple accident that didn't do anything but scare and then make people thankful that they are still alive. Nothing but an apology is needed here. Some people just expect something for nothing, and they are wrong. It was a harmless accident. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a little baby and should stay inside, because there are things in the world that will give you this type of jolt all the time.

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Hell, I think I'm going to die every time I get on the road due to other drivers. This is nothing but a simple accident that didn't do anything but scare and then make people thankful that they are still alive. Nothing but an apology is needed here. Some people just expect something for nothing, and they are wrong. It was a harmless accident. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a little baby and should stay inside, because there are things in the world that will give you this type of jolt all the time.

I was actually just thinking the same thing. I have been in a few near misses while driving that were pretty nerve wrecking. To think that the people of this flight should be able to sue for the cost of the flight is dumb. Should I sue every time I ALMOST get in an accident just because it scared me and there was a real threat to my life, not like in this case?

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An apology letter? Really?

How about refunding the cost of the flight as a minimum to start.

What? Refunding the cost of the flight? There was no real danger at all. A recording accidentally started playing an emergency message so now everyone gets a free flight? Who even needs the apology letter? Tell everyone on board your sorry, but the flight will be landing as expected and everyone can get out of the plane alive and go on with their normal lives. Anything more and it's just a bunch of ego-stroking for no good reason whatsoever. Bunch of wusses.

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What? Refunding the cost of the flight? There was no real danger at all. A recording accidentally started playing an emergency message so now everyone gets a free flight? Who even needs the apology letter? Tell everyone on board your sorry, but the flight will be landing as expected and everyone can get out of the plane alive and go on with their normal lives. Anything more and it's just a bunch of ego-stroking for no good reason whatsoever. Bunch of wusses.

This. Good lord, when did it get to this point? People need to grow up.

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Reminds me of Family guy episode where they fly a plane to get Quagmaire's job back

Reminds me of the Married with Children episode, where Marcy has to fly to New York, and the plane starts shaking, and she is sure she is about to die -- so she punches her obnoxious boss. :laugh:

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