Linksys BEFW11S4

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Hey, a few days ago I got my Linksys BEFW11S4 in the mail.

Now, I hate routers, i know their good, etc, just hate messing with them. I just can't stand problems like I am going to write about. I bought it for my new laptop to have wireless, heh.

Alright, first lets tell you 1 thing that I do.

I connect to a server of mine through SSH, it's a Linux server btw. Which I have 2 gaming servers on, in order for them to run, be active, etc. I run a command to start the server.

Now, during whenever, less then few hours, the router kills the connection, thinking its dead or what not...

I have no idea what else to try for it now to kill this, which I read is what it does.

I use "putty", only program I've ever been told to use.


I have read:

A.6.12 My PuTTY sessions unexpectedly close after they are idle for a while.

Some types of firewall, and almost any router doing Network Address Translation (NAT, also known as IP masquerading), will forget about a connection through them if the connection does nothing for too long. This will cause the connection to be rudely cut off when contact is resumed.

You can try to combat this by telling PuTTY to send keepalives: packets of data which have no effect on the actual session, but which reassure the router or firewall that the network connection is still active and worth remembering about.

Keepalives don't solve everything, unfortunately; although they cause greater robustness against this sort of router, they can also cause a loss of robustness against network dropouts. See section 4.13.3 in the documentation for more discussion of this.


4.13.3 Using keepalives to prevent disconnection

If you find your sessions are closing unexpectedly ("Connection reset by peer") after they have been idle for a while, you might want to try using this option.

Some network routers and firewalls need to keep track of all connections through them. Usually, these firewalls will assume a connection is dead if no data is transferred in either direction after a certain time interval. This can cause PuTTY sessions to be unexpectedly closed by the firewall if no traffic is seen in the session for some time.

The keepalive option ("Seconds between keepalives") allows you to configure PuTTY to send data through the session at regular intervals, in a way that does not disrupt the actual terminal session. If you find your firewall is cutting idle connections off, you can try entering a non-zero value in this field. The value is measured in seconds; so, for example, if your firewall cuts connections off after ten minutes then you might want to enter 300 seconds (5 minutes) in the box.

Note that keepalives are not always helpful. They help if you have a firewall which drops your connection after an idle period; but if the network between you and the server suffers from breaks in connectivity then keepalives can actually make things worse. If a session is idle, and connectivity is temporarily lost between the endpoints, but the connectivity is restored before either side tries to send anything, then there will be no problem - neither endpoint will notice that anything was wrong. However, if one side does send something during the break, it will repeatedly try to re-send, and eventually give up and abandon the connection. Then when connectivity is restored, the other side will find that the first side doesn't believe there is an open connection any more. Keepalives can make this sort of problem worse, because they increase the probability that PuTTY will attempt to send data during a break in connectivity. Therefore, you might find they help connection loss, or you might find they make it worse, depending on what kind of network problems you have between you and the server.

Keepalives are only supported in Telnet and SSH; the Rlogin and Raw protocols offer no way of implementing them.

Note that if you are using SSH1 and the server has a bug that makes it unable to deal with SSH1 ignore messages (see section 4.20.1), enabling keepalives will have no effect.

I thought I fixed it, I guess not...

Clueless on what to continue on trying? :mad:

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Um - what does keeping a ssh session open have to do with running your game servers? Why not run the processes in the background vs in your active shell? Then you can just disconnect your ssh session, and connect back in when you would like to do something else - or stop your game servers, etc.. etc..

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What version of the BEFW11S4 do you have?

If its version 4, avoid it like the plauge!

If you have version 2 or 3. Look for newer firmware.

I'm not trolling honest, i'm telling you that version 4 is just one terrible POS.

Have a look:,706...ip,16~mode=flat

Edited by xStainDx
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Um - what does keeping a ssh session open have to do with running your game servers? Why not run the processes in the background vs in your active shell? Then you can just disconnect your ssh session, and connect back in when you would like to do something else - or stop your game servers, etc.. etc..

I run this command at the end of the command to start the server:

>/dev/null 2<&1 &

i've read tons of different places tried different things... and still, when i x out putty, it shuts down the game server...heh

i don't mind keeping the window open, i just use a small little winder hider i went looking for... and just hide it... since i never bother to want to shut down my pc...

and staindx, I do have v4, i havn't had any problems with anything except above, but, i havn't had it for the longest time we will see :p

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make sure your not set to kill all running user processes on a disconnect or logout. And it would seem you messed up your pipe - which may be your problem? Looks to me your taking input to stderr (2)

That is not a normal redirect - I think what your trying to do is redirect stderr output to the same place, ie /dev/null which would be %1 so your command would look like this

command >/dev/null 2>%1 &

This redirects stdout to /dev/null and stderr to same place - and puts it all in the background. Also what shell are you using? Bash, Korn, csh, tch, etc..

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make sure your not set to kill all running user processes on a disconnect or logout. And it would seem you messed up your pipe - which may be your problem? Looks to me your taking input to stderr (2)

That is not a normal redirect - I think what your trying to do is redirect stderr output to the same place, ie /dev/null which would be %1 so your command would look like this

command >/dev/null 2>%1 &

This redirects stdout to /dev/null and stderr to same place - and puts it all in the background. Also what shell are you using? Bash, Korn, csh, tch, etc..

That command also doesn't work.

Well, when I run the command to start the gaming server and then adding that at the end of it, then it does "[1] 9842" 9842 is a random number always, you probably know that, i'm not too much familar with linux....

Then if I close putty, the game server again dies...

I am finding out the shell by tonight, it is my friends server and he isn't on at the moment, and I don't remember what the shell is or a command at the moment to find it out :p

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Would anyone mind helping me?

Like right now, about 30 mins ago, I ran the command to run both servers I have. I am sure by sometime in middle of night / by tomorrow morning, it will be down again....

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