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[VB or VB.NET] Comment generator program?


Does anyone know any kind of a FREE program that can generate comment code.


'=============COMMENT TITLE CENTER MAYBE===========
'|messages here |
'|and here |
'|or whatever and how many lines |

Like that for my VB/VB.net program?

Titles, subtitles, etc. or even sections?

Can't find anything...I did have one YEARS ago when I used VB6 but lost it, damnit! :angry:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! :)

Thanks guys,


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11 answers to this question

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Hit the apostrophe key three times above the thing you want to comment in Visual Studio 2008 or later. Visual Studio will do the rest. Not quite the same as what you're after, but it'll generate comments for all your method parameters and integrates with intellisense. More documentation here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd722812.aspx

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I never understood why some insist on drawing ASCII art all over their source code. It's a maintenance nightmare. Simply use the built-in xml comment functionality as Majesticmerc mentionned, it's integrated in VS and it's compatible with all auto-documentation tools, doxygen etc.

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This is not about "drawing" all over the code, it is borders, ex. ========= at the beginning of the module.

When you have others looking at the source, and need to make detailed comments, put module info, etc. it's useful to have program generate borders, etc. for you around the beginning comments. Microsoft even uses them, btw.

It's been done for years. I'm not trying to make my comments look like ASCII "art" , just a simple comment box. Why is that so bad?

I'd appreciate just some help finding what I'm looking for please.

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It's been done for years. I'm not trying to make my comments look like ASCII "art" , just a simple comment box. Why is that so bad?

Because then you can't modify or add a comment without messing up the fancy little box, so people stop writing comments, so it's counter-productive. If you need a tool to generate the correct formatting I think that's in itself a strong indication that it's bad style.
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Sigh...I got a straight answer for a good program on another forum.

This is a problem I have with Neowin...instead of just answering the question, we have to force our ideals on the other person...

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This is a problem I have with Neowin...instead of just answering the question, we have to force our ideals on the other person...

There just aren't so many people answering questions in this section. If anyone had known about such a tool they would have told you. In the absence of such knowledge I thought I'd at least try to present an alternative, you make what you want of it.
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