Gaming Industry

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Hello fellow neowinians, Just thought i would ask you all because some of you seem to have a vast knowledge of the gaming industry. we have been given an assignment for communications where we have to stand up and do a talk in a group in frount of another group of people. Our group chose to talk about the gaming industry in the past 10 years. Each person in our group has to cover 2 years each in between 1993 and 2003 (10 years) i have to talk about the years start of 2001 to the end of 2003. Im also the last person talking so i have to conclude the talk. We have decided to talk about "has the gaming industry changed for the better" I was wondering if you could provide me with any links to a timeline of some sort for the gaming industry. Also what are ur thoughts on the following

What was the biggest game in this time (2001 - 2003)

what was the revenue for the gaming industry (in and out) i.e the cost of making games (programmers wages etc)

what was the hardware round at this time (consoles and PC (average spec of a gaming pc))

The types of players at that time (age ranges,sexes etc . . . old young. that kind of thing)

Also what were the biggest news items in this time period and any other comments you would like to make about the gaming industry at this time.

Thanks in advance for any info.

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The battle of the consoles :D Supposedly how Gamecube was for kids, PS2 was for teenagers etc and Xbox for adults...

and the best game is really a matter of opinion, there wont be one correct answer :unsure:

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Without a doubt the highest selling game has to be gta, and once it is out on xbox then it will sell another assload of games. And im not sure about exact figures but i beleive that the gaming industry has either surpassed or caught up to the film iindusty. I know it was on the boards awhile ago but apparantly there are more girls who play games than guys in one of the age ranges.... thats all for now.

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From April 2002 to December 2003 issues of PSM, they have all listed GTA3/GTA VC as Number 1 and 2. Sometimes GTA3 was second and other newly released games topped it, but only lasted for that month. I'm guessing many kids were buying them as all my friends were talking about it and whatnot.

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What was the biggest game in this time (2001 - 2003)

Well, the most hyped game from 2001-2003 would have to be Grand Theft Auto 3. The Sims expansions a close second.

what was the revenue for the gaming industry (in and out) i.e the cost of making games (programmers wages etc)

Hundreds of thousands for the programmers in major companies. Millions in making the games... For the smaller companies, maybe $50,000 for the programmers and $200,000 for designing the game. I'm kinda fuzzy on that one... Input of money? Well, depending on its success... a company could make upwards of $20 million for a successful title (this is considering $40 for the game, 500,000 units sold = $20,000,000.)

what was the hardware round at this time (consoles and PC (average spec of a gaming pc))

Consoles have anywhere from a 300MHz processor to a 900MHz processor, IIRC. As for a gaming PC, quite a few people in 2001 had AMD Thunderbird 1.5GHz computers. In 2002, alot had AMD Athlon XP 2000/2200+... and in 2003, more have Pentium 4 2.4-2.8GHz or Athlon XP 2400/2600+. Also, the dawn of the 64-bit processor is upon us, Athlon 64, ... so gaming and computing will be totally changed, imho.

The types of players at that time (age ranges,sexes etc . . . old young. that kind of thing)

Lots of angsty teens, asians, mostly male :). 14-21 average age range... all races, pretty much. And most gamers are either in Asia, Australia, or the USA/Canada. Some from Europe, as well.

Also what were the biggest news items in this time period and any other comments you would like to make about the gaming industry at this time.

Biggest news items?! Oh... Half Life 2's source leakage is pretty big news. A sequel (and a possible GAME sequel) to FF7.... also, it was a pretty big deal when FFXI was announced... everyone thought it'd fail... nope :)

Hope it helps a little, bro.

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I think youll have to get in a bit of info about the hl2 leak and how it affected the gaming industry and so on... I would go for gta but you could also say the biggest game series was the sims.. Also I think in 2001 counter-strike was still the most played game... But hl was release in 1998

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thanks for all ur recent responces.I have to make some powerpoint slides for 2morrow about this, I need to cover the following topics,

1)The biggest game - all about it (revenue generated and anything u can think of)

2)The games industry (revenue in and out)

3)Hardware (Most popular console)

4)The types of players.

Anyone have any websites that i could get the info from or anyone provide with any additional info i need.

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