Windows Key stuck (not physically)

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Hi guys,

Windows 7

Pushing "L" locks the computer, E explorer, M minimizes, R Run (The windows key is not pressed down).

This is NOT physical as I have used TeamViewer to test it out on a remote computer. It does the same. Nothing new was installed to have caused this.

The same situation as this



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Try bringing up on screen keyboard via accessories >> Ease of Access >> and then try clicking on the windows key a couple of times.

This should un-stick the windows key.

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strange. umm.... uninstall and reinstall keyboard in control panel?

it's a laptop

Try bringing up on screen keyboard via accessories >> Ease of Access >> and then try clicking on the windows key a couple of times.

This should un-stick the windows key.

will try now.


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is it a samsung n130 series? I had to physically remove the keyboard and clean the ribbon, turned out I had left some polish residue when I cleaned it that dripped onto it....

(I no longer have it, but if I remember correctly, there are 5 or 6 screws on the back that allow removal of the keyboard)

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is it a samsung n130 series? I had to physically remove the keyboard and clean the ribbon, turned out I had left some polish residue when I cleaned it that dripped onto it....

(I no longer have it, but if I remember correctly, there are 5 or 6 screws on the back that allow removal of the keyboard)

it's not a samsung but a compaq. doing more troubleshooting (im on teamviewer and google chat with sister who is having the prob) and it looks like her start button is messed. i can press the start button as normal and the menu opens and closes. when she tries on her end, nothing happens, got her to remove the key and blow around to no avail. now i got her booting into safe mode to try replicate the problem.

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are you sure it's not the physical key? users lie.

now troubleshooting more, it must be the physical key since it happens in safe mode too. i got her to take the key case off, and press the soft part, nothing. which means it is always pressed down?

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