What Ethnicity/Race Are You?

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I am Jamesian.

Actually no, as that's actually a real thing. BACKTRACK!! Yeah I just Googled it to check. :shifty:

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If we're referring to makeup based on region...then I'm a mutt with a mix of I don't even know how many things.

My family is mostly made of people that are from Germany, England, and Native Americans. There are several other things in there as well...but I'd have to sit down and make a big list...

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Well, if you're going to make it all serious... based on genealogical research, I'd say that just about everyone is a little bit of everything if you go back far enough. Pretty much all of my family has been on the East Coast since the at least the 1700s, but if you trace me down far enough there's Dutch, Irish, Scottish, English, French, probably a little German, and a distant bit of Cherokee, too. I've had the most luck tracing the Dutch line down. Those people kept tremendous records, even in the New Netherland colony.

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