Traffic Violation

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So got a citation today for throwing an item out of the car. The item was a lighter that was leaking. So I was going to throw it out of the window but while i was going to I changed my mind and was gonna wrap it up, but it slipped out of my hand. The cop pulled me over for it, but I didn't really argue it cause I thought it's minor, but turns out taht i have to go to court and if convicted pay 100-1000 fine and do 8 - 12 hrs. of trash pick up. I didn't know it's that harsh in California. I wish I had fought with the cop to let me off.

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so you accidentally dropped it before you were going to throw it...? whats the difference

I mean i changed my mind while i was about to throw it away. forgot that part... haha. but yea it sucks

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arguing with a cop will usually end in failure anyway, just bad luck for you man :(

Yea, that's true. I will argue my story when I go to court, but they're probably not gonna let me off.

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sucks to be you... good luck in court :-\

one of the dumbasses in my school... he has a truck... he was spinning wheels this morning in front of our parking lot (he's very ugly and annoying, so he wasn't impressing any of the ladies) and got caught.

the funny thing about him getting caught is, there has been a cop in the parking lot EVERY day for the past week. and it's not like he's hiding.

you almost hafta wonder if he was trying to get the ticket.

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Maybe you'll get lucky like a friend of mine. He got nailed doing 147km/h in a 60, and he got off because the cop never showed up for court (had pneumonia).

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Maybe you'll get lucky like a friend of mine. He got nailed doing 147km/h in a 60, and he got off because the cop never showed up for court (had pneumonia).

wow lucky man

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I mean i changed my mind while i was about to throw it away. forgot that part... haha. but yea it sucks

yeah, that does suck, but you did it... thats like saying i barely pulled the trigger

goodluck in court, plead guilty and just tell your story about how you were wrong

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arguing with a cop will usually end in failure anyway, just bad luck for you man :(

Not true.

I've gotten out of 42 over in a 55 MPH, gotten a written warning after that for going 20 over in a 45 MPH, but just recently I got $305 for going 110 in a 45MPH and passing on a hill. Heh, funny how things can work out when you tell a cop you have the ****s muwhahaha.

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Just explain the situation to the judge, my bet is you'll get off. Just don't tell them you were thinking of throwing it out, just explain it slipped out of your hand.

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Never try to fight, pointless. Case in point:

I was driving homr from a 15 hour drive, it was about 1am. I was in the left lane, and there was an 18 wheeler to my right. A car pulls behind me very quickly, and starts flashing his headlights. At first I ignore him, but he keeps flashing his bright lights in my eyes, so I did what anyone would do. I sped up to pass the truck on my right so I can let the idiot behind mr pass. I got up to 85 (limit was 70) by the time I passed the truck and pulled to the right. The idiot pulled over also, and got behind me.

The idiot...was a cop.

He ticketed me for speeding which I wouldn't have done to begin with if he hadn't pulled that crap.

Went to court, judge pretty much told me that no one MADE me speed up, and I shouldn't let aggressive drivers control my habits.

Freaking speed trap.

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Never try to fight, pointless. Case in point:

I was driving homr from a 15 hour drive, it was about 1am. I was in the left lane, and there was an 18 wheeler to my right. A car pulls behind me very quickly, and starts flashing his headlights. At first I ignore him, but he keeps flashing his bright lights in my eyes, so I did what anyone would do. I sped up to pass the truck on my right so I can let the idiot behind mr pass. I got up to 85 (limit was 70) by the time I passed the truck and pulled to the right. The idiot pulled over also, and got behind me.

The idiot...was a cop.

He ticketed me for speeding which I wouldn't have done to begin with if he hadn't pulled that crap.

Went to court, judge pretty much told me that no one MADE me speed up, and I shouldn't let aggressive drivers control my habits.

Freaking speed trap.

Oh shoot, that freaking sucks. My dad was ticketed for making a right on a red. The sign that says you can't do that is across the street and is super small. Cost him $400 and traffic school. It's retarded.

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wow i got 2 speeding tickets and it wasnt even that bad, $115 canadian each, no followup really, in the long run my insurance is probably ruined lol. oh well, my fault and my fault only

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Wouldn't tossing a lighter out be bad no matter what? Whether you dropped it or threw it? I mean, what if a car ran over it or some how it got a spark, it could catch fire or explode!

I do though, hope that you don't get fined too much or anything!

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Sorry to hear that but once you were caught by cop you virtually cannot do anything. Cop is a law enforcement so you can't really argue, basically what the cop trying to impose you for breaching the law and order is based on their right doing and based on the laws and regulations. You suppose not to do that but you were in bad luck when the cop incidentally in presence. Whatever the court sentence on you, you will have to do whatever the penalty is. Hope you will be alright, life sucks but don't blame yourself too much. There are many people who more unfortunate than you, some may ended up in jail.

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at least its not a moving violation so it shouldnt do anything to your insurance. ive gotten pulled over too many times, but ive been lucky to not have anything on my record (yet) ;)

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Never try to fight, pointless. Case in point:

I was driving homr from a 15 hour drive, it was about 1am. I was in the left lane, and there was an 18 wheeler to my right. A car pulls behind me very quickly, and starts flashing his headlights. At first I ignore him, but he keeps flashing his bright lights in my eyes, so I did what anyone would do. I sped up to pass the truck on my right so I can let the idiot behind mr pass. I got up to 85 (limit was 70) by the time I passed the truck and pulled to the right. The idiot pulled over also, and got behind me.

The idiot...was a cop.

He ticketed me for speeding which I wouldn't have done to begin with if he hadn't pulled that crap.

Went to court, judge pretty much told me that no one MADE me speed up, and I shouldn't let aggressive drivers control my habits.

Freaking speed trap.

I would've slowed down to let the car pass. Or actually if it was a cop I would've gone the speed limit and ignored them. I'm going the speed limit and if they can't get around me because of a truck, tough luck for them.

Really don't see how most of you can go over 120mph. The fastest I've ever gone was 70 which was on the beltway, and that was only for a few seconds and I've never driven that fast again. 60 is my limit on the beltway and I go the speed limit, or the flow of traffic. If i start to pass cars I know I'm going to fast.

Edited by unimatrixzer0
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Never try to fight, pointless. Case in point:

I was driving homr from a 15 hour drive, it was about 1am. I was in the left lane, and there was an 18 wheeler to my right. A car pulls behind me very quickly, and starts flashing his headlights. At first I ignore him, but he keeps flashing his bright lights in my eyes, so I did what anyone would do. I sped up to pass the truck on my right so I can let the idiot behind mr pass. I got up to 85 (limit was 70) by the time I passed the truck and pulled to the right. The idiot pulled over also, and got behind me.

The idiot...was a cop.

He ticketed me for speeding which I wouldn't have done to begin with if he hadn't pulled that crap.

Went to court, judge pretty much told me that no one MADE me speed up, and I shouldn't let aggressive drivers control my habits.

Freaking speed trap.

I would've slowed down to let the car pass. Or actually if it was a cop I would've gone the speed limit and ignored them. I'm going the speed limit and if they can't get around me because of a truck, tough luck for them.

Really don't see how most of you can go over 120mph. The fastest I've ever gone was 70 which was on the beltway, and that was only for a few seconds and I've never driven that fast again. 60 is my limit on the beltway and I go the speed limit, or the flow of traffic. If i start to pass cars I know I'm going to fast.

jesus 60 mph is your top speed? you must never get anywhere on time.. whats the speed limit on this beltway anyways?

btw for the thread starter, thats not cool on the cops part, if i came up on someone in the left lane and they were next to a truck, i would expect them to speed up and pass or slow down and get over, and i would do the same thing you did in the situation. he was probably in a bad mood and/or needed to meet his quota. but i wouldnt bother fighting it, just pay the ticket, 15mph over shouldnt be too expensive

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if somebody was behind me flashing there lights, i would do everything i could to **** them off. i would slow down as much as possible, then when they tried to pass speed back up and get in front of them. it's not legal to go slower than the limit, but it's not an easy point for a cop to win (you were just trying to be safe).

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Well, I was speeding 98 mph on 70 zone.. Cop pulled me over.. Asked me for registration, insurance and license.. I was gestering and saying 'I'm deaf..!' Cop were like 'Okay.. YOU GO, DRIVE SLOOOWWWW..' Yes! No tickets!! :yes:

Lucky me, eh.. :woot:


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