Women outraged when waiter brings check calling them 'Fat Girls'

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When I was skinny, I was known as "the skinny guy". If the shoe fits and all that. If they hate it so much, they can try to change. From their meal it looks like they're not trying.

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Seriously though, if you went to eat somewhere and had a receipt sent to you with anything that could be interpreted as offensive on it, you'd be fairly ****ed off too.

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Seriously though, if you went to eat somewhere and had a receipt sent to you with anything that could be interpreted as offensive on it, you'd be fairly ****ed off too.

Unless the dudes is an idiot, he should have known it would be offensive and should have controlled himself. I wonder how all the dudes of average size and proportion would feel if a waitress brought them a check that said, dude with as much muscle as a teenage girl and probably has a weak penis to match ... would find that offensive. Or would they say, well, the shoe fits me so ...

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In all honesty, seeing how people treat waiters, I tend to believe they treated him like **** in the first place.

People treat waiters bad? That's stupid, they're handling your food and drink. That's news to me. Now people do tip less than the going gratuity rate, 15%? But hey, the economy is bad. ;>

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I'm with the fat chicks on this one.

While I'm all for Freedom of Speech, as a business owner I would have fired

the employee on the spot for making my business appear unprofessional, and

virtually guaranteeing no repeat business from those customers.

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Everyone has the right to the expectation they will not have to suffer being labeled what can in fact be seen as a derogatory statement on their bill when they go out to dinner. If they want to call them that among the staff, or even put it in a computer system where only the staff can see it, then so be it, that is then a manager or owners call as to if they allow the staff to do such things. However to put it where it was clearly seen by the patrons, sorry, I deem that as inexcusable.

Yes, I have seen the video, and yes, it is indisputable that the 3 women are indeed overweight, however that is not the point. The fact the waiter put what absolutely could be deemed as an offensive description of the women on the check for them to clearly see was unprofessional and inconsiderate. There is no disputing this fact IMHO. I am actually shocked by the amount of people saying it is okay and they need to lighten up. It shows a clear disrespect towards others than is way to prevalent in this society. It has nothing to do with political correctness, and everything to do with a base respect I believe every person deserves on this planet. Even if they could have somehow avoided gaining so much weight, that is a whole other topic of discussion, that does not give others the right to ridicule them.

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Still, how shallow and insecure do you have to be to react like that? They could have just expressed their displeasure, taken the discount, not tipped or whatever, and then not come back to that place again. But all the crying and acting COMPLETELY SHOCKED? Some people just have no sense of perspective (or self-awareness).

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Still, how shallow and insecure do you have to be to react like that?

LOL, fat or not, they are "women."

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... and women react to things related to their bodies the same way I do, they get very excited.

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Maybe they should hire a lawyer and souie.

They'd have a hard time proving any lasting or real damage. Their hurt feelings in a litigation would prove to be worth a free meal. It was bad form and in poor taste, but not worthy of punitive damages. You'd have to select a heckuva favorable judge or jury.

The dumb dude just shouldn't have done it. I probably would have fired him as well. You just don't have the right to ruin someone else's day. Especially paying customers. People like to make themselves feel better or superior a the expense of others, usually at the expense of those in a weaker (real or perceived) position than themselves. This unfortunate part of human nature has been around for a long long time, and will always be around.

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What most people on the forum are failing to understand.

If these women go on TV and show this, the restaurant looses money. People go to a place where they can get good food fast and this kind of comments are not acceptable.

For those that say it is okay...

Next restaurant you go in Let them put " THE RETARDED GUY" on your ticket and then you might know how these women feel.

That was truly unprofessional unless you want the business to go under especially in the food service industry, where a customer can just go to any place but your's.

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Just take some personal responsibility and lose some weight. It's ridiculous that people have to apologize for stating the truth nowadays. It is even more ridiculous that people get offended when confronted with said truth. Was it nice of "Jeff"? No. Does the world need to stop turning because a few fat girls got offended? Absolutely not. We need to stop this "politically correct" BS immediately. Sometime the truth hurts, but it will still, always set you free.


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The manager apologised and offered a 50% discount, but that wasn't good enough, they wanted 100% off, free meal vouchers, a buffet pass, and $1,000,000 towards their dining budget. Hey casinos are rich right? Payday!!!

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