Jurassic World (2015)

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But basically - crocodiles can be and have been trained. Crocodiles are the closest living thing to a dinosaur - therefore, you can make the assumption that dinosaurs could be trained.


Just because you don't like the storyline doesn't mean its implausible. (Assuming that you suspend the disbelief of dinosaurs existing).

Closest living thing does not equal dinosaur, so again conjecture. The fact of the matter is, there's no scientific basis for either of our opinions and I chose to believe differently than you.

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Guys, it's a movie. Who cares about reality and the real animal kingdom when it comes to Jurrasic Park (world, whatever). They make ###### up for the movies all the time that can or cannot happen in reality. If you can believe you can tame almost any animal as it is, why would a raptor be any different really? Just because they were walking killing machines doesn't matter in the end really. Also, tamed raptors. Come on that's pretty cool if you think about it, they could do some really neat stuff in the movie (probably won't though).


As long as they don't have lasers attached or rocket launchers!

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Closest living thing does not equal dinosaur, so again conjecture. The fact of the matter is, there's no scientific basis for either of our opinions and I chose to believe differently than you.


There IS scientific basis, you just choose to ignore it. Once again, point out an animal with the cognitive ability to understand a human that has not been trained. 


Are you going to somehow say that an elephant is some kind of super-genius and therefore smarter than dinosaurs?


Do you know why they got the name 'velociraptor'? Because the original discovery was of them with a lot of eggs between them, leading the scientist to believe they had stole them. They were wrong - the pack was actually in a formation around the eggs, trying to protect them. They were as smart as most animals today - probably not primates, but something like an elephant, for sure.

Guys, it's a movie. Who cares about reality and the real animal kingdom when it comes to Jurrasic Park (world, whatever). They make ###### up for the movies all the time that can or cannot happen in reality. If you can believe you can tame almost any animal as it is, why would a raptor be any different really? Just because they were walking killing machines doesn't matter in the end really. Also, tamed raptors. Come on that's pretty cool if you think about it, they could do some really neat stuff in the movie (probably won't though).


As long as they don't have lasers attached or rocket launchers!


I'm not worried about it being a movie. I'm just saying that it WOULD be possible, because they've TRAINED (not tamed - thats different) everything else. And from the trailer, these are not tamed - he was still scared of them. 

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This movie just keeps looking dumber and dumber with each new clip released. I mean you could have shown any clip from the first one and it would have been awesome.

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I agree with him, crocs are the only animals on this planet that changed very little compared to the dinosaur period. See this:

One way in which prehistoric crocodiles were indeed more impressive than their terrestrial relatives was their ability, as a group, to survive the K/T Extinction Event that wiped the dinosaurs off the face of the earth 65 million years ago (why this is so remains a mystery, though it may be an important clue that no plus-sized crocodiles survived the meteor impact). Today's crocodiles and alligators are little changed from their prehistoric ancestors, a telling clue that these reptiles were (and remain) extremely well adapted to their environment. (See this article for theories about why crocodiles survived into the Cenozoic Era.)


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I watched the trailer for this over the weekend...and well...I didn't think it'd be that bad! I always knew it was not going to get anywhere near the original in terms of awesomeness, but the trailer makes it look super cheesy!


I'll still be going to see it though...

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It's weird how nostalgia boosts old movies to some mythical level of greatness in our minds.  Don't get me wrong, I like the original, but it's not this great masterpiece some of you make it sound like it is.   The only noteworthy thing about the original was it's cutting edge use of giant animatronics, the story isn't any different from what this new movie is using, heck it's pretty much almost the same with the only exception being they went a little too far with the gene splicing and now they have a very smart dinosaur out there eating people. 


The plot between the two movies is pretty much 90% the same, if not more.

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It's weird how nostalgia boosts old movies to some mythical level of greatness in our minds.  Don't get me wrong, I like the original, but it's not this great masterpiece some of you make it sound like it is.   The only noteworthy thing about the original was it's cutting edge use of giant animatronics, the story isn't any different from what this new movie is using, heck it's pretty much almost the same with the only exception being they went a little too far with the gene splicing and now they have a very smart dinosaur out there eating people. 


The plot between the two movies is pretty much 90% the same, if not more.


It is like nostalgia about ex girlfriends .. when you think back she sound nice with noteworthy aspects.. but in reality she was probably a gene spliced T-Rex.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man pg 13 is going to suck so bad some of those scenes in that extended spot won't even be in the movie. (notice it doesn't have a rating)

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This whole PG-13 fad in Hollywood is really killing movies that should otherwise be rated R IMO. 

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This whole PG-13 fad in Hollywood is really killing movies that should otherwise be rated R IMO. 

It's all about the money. Bumping up the rating to R would mean less tickets sold because anyone under the age of 18 wouldn't be allowed to watch it in theatres (or they'd need to be accompanied by a parent, depending on the country). Parents are less likely to bring their kids along to an R-rated movie.

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Man pg 13 is going to suck so bad some of those scenes in that extended spot won't even be in the movie. (notice it doesn't have a rating)


This whole PG-13 fad in Hollywood is really killing movies that should otherwise be rated R IMO. 


The other JP movies were all PG-13.


To be rated R a movie needs one of:


The F-word

Tobacco use

Hard drugs


Graphic violence


None of those really apply to JP movies. There is a big difference between violence and graphic violence - and JP doesn't need graphic violence.

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The other JP movies were all PG-13.


To be rated R a movie needs one of:


The F-word

Tobacco use

Hard drugs


Graphic violence


None of those really apply to JP movies. There is a big difference between violence and graphic violence - and JP doesn't need graphic violence.

It doesn't need it, but it would be greatly improved if it had it. Look at crocodiles or any other big reptiles eating prey and tell me something a lot larger doing the same would not make the film better.

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It doesn't need it, but it would be greatly improved if it had it. Look at crocodiles or any other big reptiles eating prey and tell me something a lot larger doing the same would not make the film better.


Uh, it can show violence at PG-13. It just can't show graphic violence - such as horror movie type stuff. 


And no, showing gore for the sake of gore doesn't make anything better.

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Uh, it can show violence at PG-13. It just can't show graphic violence - such as horror movie type stuff. 


And no, showing gore for the sake of gore doesn't make anything better.


How can you not show gore in a movie about dinosaurs attacking and eating people of all things?


The rating system in the US is crazy, action movie full of people getting shot, things blowing up, and overall chaos, PG-13, sure, bring the kids, no problem!   Show a bit more blood, for the sake of some realism, or heaven forbid a semi-nude women/man, and it's suddenly, "omg think of the children!".

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