Why I posted the poll

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As you may be aware, yesterday/today I posted a poll on the front page asking people whether they "hated Apple". Unfortunately this created some backlash among the community (read here), and I feel that it's appropriate for me to respond.

It was not my intention to create a hate war or flame war, and I certainly wasn't looking to bring the site into disrepute, and for that I am sorry. My intentions were to sift through responses and create a follow-up editorial on why you shouldn't hate a company while highlighting quality member responses, but clearly now this isn't possible. I appreciate the efforts of members who went to the effort to respond to the poll in an intelligent and civil manner.

I also apologize for suggesting (via my Twitter account, which is linked to the forum sidebar) that people should leave the site if they are offended by my poll. In hindsight that was a definite overreaction, and to those members who actually did leave, I hope that one day you will return.

I hope that members here will look past our infrequent missteps and continue to enjoy our front page content and vibrant community.

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I don't understand people. Forums are all about sharing and discussing certain interests of topic. If a discussion personally offends you, you probably need to get off the interenet.

Also, fanboy(girl) wars are just plain stupid.

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I agree. It's so incredibly easy to either not click on a title, or leave the page once it's loaded. I do that all the time when I see anything about US politics.

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Thanks for that Scorpus.

I think most of us were aware of your intentions with that poll, and would probably have enjoyed the ensuing discussion.

It was, unfortunately, horribly phrased.

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Thanks for addressing the situation. Obviously the poll wouldn't have been a problem if it were presented more carefully. Editorials can often walk a fine line, so a big part of writing them is realizing which parts of that line not to cross. I'm confident though that this situation was sufficiently enlightening for everyone involved :)

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I can see your point in wanting to make a editorial on the responses made and I give you props for wanting to make one.

You have to understand that people now days find anything to cry and bitch about. People just need to learn to grow up and take things with a grain of salt.

I understand that this is a tech website and people have their opinions, but come on if you don't like it don't click on it or better yet click on it and if all your going to do is bitch then you don't need to post a reply and move on.

Btw I clicked i hate apple ;)

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I for one very seldom read the front page news. Not because of bad reporting or reporters or anything like that. It just doesn't really interest me. I didn't see the poll in question, but it must have been in bad taste to push members to leave. Maybe the front page news should be approved by a council of staff before being able to post there. But I doubt that would even be feasible.

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(Y) Thanks for clearing this us for those who did not look at this in the long term sense.

Choosing your side in a flame war between companies is plain stupid. Heck, even siding with a company just because they're *insert any giant corp here* is pathetic. These discussions should be pulling us closer not pushing us apart!

Why can't the immature people on the internet just disappear from the WWW's and leave us adults be...

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To be honest, I'm glad you made the poll as it now goes to show who the real cry babies are on here who react to something as stupid as this. Some people really need to realise that you're just a consumer who buys products from a company, you don't own or have any say within the company do you? There are some people on this forum who are willing the defend their products to the extent of death and are not even on the companies payroll, I really cannot understand why?

Not everyone has the same opinion as you. Get over it.

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I for one very seldom read the front page news. Not because of bad reporting or reporters or anything like that. It just doesn't really interest me. I didn't see the poll in question, but it must have been in bad taste to push members to leave. Maybe the front page news should be approved by a council of staff before being able to post there. But I doubt that would even be feasible.

It really wasn't that big of a deal, maybe the term "hate" could have been replaced with "dislike" but other then that anyone who took offense to the story personally either must have a first name of Apple and thought it was about them or needs to take a serious vacation from the internet and do some soul-searching.....

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Maybe the front page news should be approved by a council of staff before being able to post there. But I doubt that would even be feasible.

The news articles have to be approved by editors before they get posted I do believe.

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As you may be aware, yesterday/today I posted a poll on the front page asking people whether they "hated Apple". Unfortunately this created some backlash among the community (read here), and I feel that it's appropriate for me to respond.

It was not my intention to create a hate war or flame war, and I certainly wasn't looking to bring the site into disrepute, and for that I am sorry. My intentions were to sift through responses and create a follow-up editorial on why you shouldn't hate a company while highlighting quality member responses, but clearly now this isn't possible. I appreciate the efforts of members who went to the effort to respond to the poll in an intelligent and civil manner.

I also apologize for suggesting (via my Twitter account, which is linked to the forum sidebar) that people should leave the site if they are offended by my poll. In hindsight that was a definite overreaction, and to those members who actually did leave, I hope that one day you will return.

I hope that members here will look past our infrequent missteps and continue to enjoy our front page content and vibrant community.

Crybabies gonna cry no worries. Next time post a Windows 8 sucks poll and you will be king.

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It wasn't your fault Scorpus, the ones causing the problem were the fanbois, and had it been against MS they would have happily voted

The article should have been left as it was, let the children have their fits, if they had been able to see further than Apple & Hate, they would have hit the 'No' button

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It really wasn't that big of a deal, maybe the term "hate" could have been replaced with "dislike" but other then that anyone who took offense to the story personally either must have a first name of Apple and thought it was about them or needs to take a serious vacation from the internet and do some soul-searching.....

A bit harsh that. People take offense to a lot less. I could post how much I love Win8 and in moments no less the 20 people would be slamming me over it. Why? Because that would mean you hate Win7. Which I don't by the way. But it doesn't matter. That's just how it is these days.

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The news articles have to be approved by editors before they get posted I do believe.

That is correct, articles require approval by the Editors before they go to the front page. This is to stop the Reporters posting random drivel like 'HOLY GUACAMOLE MICROSOFT EMPLOYEE SPOTTED WITH AN IPAD STOP THE PRESSES' :p

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The news articles have to be approved by editors before they get posted I do believe.

Well, maybe there should be stricter guidelines? I don't know, I'm not a reporter or an editor. If I was, there would be some real drivel on the front page.

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As you may be aware, yesterday/today I posted a poll on the front page asking people whether they "hated Apple". Unfortunately this created some backlash among the community (read here), and I feel that it's appropriate for me to respond.

It was not my intention to create a hate war or flame war, and I certainly wasn't looking to bring the site into disrepute, and for that I am sorry. My intentions were to sift through responses and create a follow-up editorial on why you shouldn't hate a company while highlighting quality member responses, but clearly now this isn't possible. I appreciate the efforts of members who went to the effort to respond to the poll in an intelligent and civil manner.

I also apologize for suggesting (via my Twitter account, which is linked to the forum sidebar) that people should leave the site if they are offended by my poll. In hindsight that was a definite overreaction, and to those members who actually did leave, I hope that one day you will return.

I hope that members here will look past our infrequent missteps and continue to enjoy our front page content and vibrant community.

Thank you for this thread/post Scorpus. I believe it was necessary to explain to the community everything and that it does not represent Neowin in any way shape or form.

I am also glad you removed the article from the frontpage which is also very rare (a article removed from the frontpage)

We all make mistakes Scorpus so you are human :) I encourage you to make another poll stating "Do you dislike a company?" end question. Dislike is a better word than hate and just using "company" englobes everything in general.

Thank you very much Scorpus :)

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My intentions were to sift through responses and create a follow-up editorial on why you shouldn't hate a company while highlighting quality member responses, but clearly now this isn't possible.

You need to understand that Apple and Linux users are defensive here because they get attacked everytime they want to talk about their tools or seeks help for their product. Of course it backslashed, the community here has become a very offensive MS centered cult.

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People left because of that?

Brings a whole new meaning to facepalm.

Yup. I facepalm when people dont understand why Neowin posted such a flamebait article and its members do not agree nor want to be assosiated with that....

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Personally I think it is absolutely pathetic the fuss people kick up if a company is even hinted at being less than a god to them, OBSESSION MUCH?

It's not YOUR company, you have nothing to do with that company no matter how much you dream, you only own some extortionately priced iSomething, Geez, you sound like .... actually you don't even sound like someone who owned Apple, you sound like a fool... protecting something that is not even yours as if it was your own love child? Come on... grow up.

Do you hate Apple is a perfectly fine question, UNLESS you know more people will say YES than NO and that would scar you for life and cause you to rock uncontrollably in the corner of your padded iCell

Neowin should be able to post questions aimed at anyone, and not have to remove them on demand of 13 year old fanbois who can't cope, you know, the type who make youtube videos screaming to "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE AAAAHHHHH"

:/ :/

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Really who gives that much of a **** about some poll....? Ignore it and get on with your life if you hate the content. Put some of that passion into something productive and STFU.

Let people vent that wanna get thier **** out about a software company.

Actually polls like these help the companies out... they see them... they can improve.

if people are afraid of speaking thier minds about company issues then companies will continue to get worse and we all take it up the ass.

I encourage polls like this and nobody should be forced to delete those.

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