Microsoft wants an iTunes Windows 8 app but Apple isn't liking the idea

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It will come as no surprise that Microsoft wants Apple to create a Windows 8 app of iTunes, the popular media player that also helps consumers manage iOS hardware and more. A desktop version of iTunes is available and works well in desktop mode on a Windows 8 machine, but what if you're running Windows RT or would like to enjoy a native experience?

So what's preventing an iTunes being listed on the Windows Store? Apple, according to CNN Money. Tami Reller, chief financial officer of Microsoft's Windows division, had the following to comment on the situation:

"You shouldn't expect an iTunes app on Windows 8 any time soon. ITunes is in high demand. The welcome mat has been laid out. It's not for lack of trying."

The Verge has added that iTunes is one of the most searched for apps on the Windows 8 Store, leading Microsoft to actively attempt to secure a native app for its consumer base. So what would a Windows 8 app bring to the platform? A native experience for a start, along with the ability to run on hardware powered by Windows RT.

A touch-friendly experience for those with such an interface would put Apple's media player on the same level as Microsoft's own Xbox Music. The desktop mode is useful, especially if you have a mouse (or similar pointer device) at hand, but it can prove trick to use iTunes with the finger.

So why isn't Apple in a hurry to get an app developed for Microsoft's new desktop UI? It could well be Windows 8 is a competitor to its own OSX and the company already has a desktop version available. It's hard to say when Apple will look to introduce a native app for windows 8, but is the desktop version enough? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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Why? the desktop version of iTunes, despite being a complete piece of junkware is already fit for the purpose it serves. Creating a ModernUI version of it isn't something that Apple have any need to do at all.

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Apple have to pay 30% instead? Never! /s

On a serious note, it's not the same, if they did do it, it'd be a free app, and MS doesn't block or want a piece of any in-app purchases like Apple is asking for on iOS. All in all I don't see why it would bother them to make one.

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Apple have to pay 30% instead? Never! /s

On a serious note, it's not the same, if they did do it, it'd be a free app, and MS doesn't block or want a piece of any in-app purchases like Apple is asking for on iOS. All in all I don't see why it would bother them to make one.

Well not strictly true for the second bit. If you use Microsoft's payment backend/system then MS takes a cut from in-app purchases. However, you are free to use any payment processor you choose and then you keep 100% of the revenue.

Apple already has their own payment processor so it makes sense they would use that if they were to make an app and hence MS gets nothing from it.

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^ All of this "iTunes is bloatware we don't need you...blah...blah...blah" is an absolute garbage excuse from 2006.

I can honestly see them makeing a Linux version before a Metro version. OS X is technically BSD (UNIX) so in theory, it shouldn't be that hard.

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its one of the most searched for apps.

Assuming they're not just talking about RT there, simply add a link to the Desktop version to the Store, just like MS does for their Office suite. Problem solved, for Windows 8 users at least. I mean, I thought that was the whole point of having a "no compromise" OS. Companies are not about to rewrite all of their software products when the existing version (that allows them to reach practically every Windows user) runs just fine on Windows 8 - unless users start to show an overwhelming interest in Metro and Windows RT specifically.

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Microsoft wouldn't need to attract iTunes if its Music app was actually fit for purpose. If it wants developers to get onboard then it has to lead by example and it simply isn't doing that.

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This was on the front page a few days ago, and I mentioned why it's unlikely then, too.

iTunes is a cross-compiled app that ignores every single UI design guideline MS ever wrote for Windows. It uses its own libraries, it's own UI, even its own font rendering etc. To make it work on RT they would have to completely rewrite it from scratch, and learn all the Windows RT framework as well as much of the Windows API.

There's just no way Apple would bother, otherwise they'd have a native Windows version for the desktop already.

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Who really needs Apple's bloated piece of crapware as a Windows 8 App?

Well I wouldn't mind it as I am an Ipad owner. A Linux version would be nice too. You can't completely use and manage or even activate an Ipad without it.

I don't see the big deal, it's just a piece of software like anything else, and it works. The UI isn't as simplified and accessible to all features like it should be, but I have no issues with it and a W8 version may be more appealing.

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No Linux version of iTunes. No Android version of iTunes. Is it any surprise that there won't be an WinRT version of iTunes?

Just like Facebook not making an app for Windows 8... they didn't make one for OS X or Linux either.

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I wouldn't touch an Apple app with a million foot pole. iTunes is a complete waste of bits on the desktop, and a Metro app wouldn't be any better.

No Linux version of iTunes. No Android version of iTunes. Is it any surprise that there won't be an WinRT version of iTunes?

Just like Facebook not making an app for Windows 8... they didn't make one for OS X or Linux either.

Windows 8 is a different beast than those two.

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Nothing against Apple, but I'm not so sure they have the technological talent to pull off such a feat. iTunes is one of the worst pieces of Windows software that I have ever used.

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