Installing Virtual PC 2007 SP1 on Windows 8 RTM 64 bit.

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This is how you get Virtual PC 2007 SP1 working fully on Windows 8 64 bit.

Software you need to download before following these steps.

Virtual PC 2007 SP1 64 bit. (

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone.* (

*Note: The reason you need Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone is because it has an updated emulation driver, which Virtual PC will use if installed.


1) After you have downloaded both files install Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone first.

2) Once you have installed Visual Studio for Windows Phone, rename Virtual PC?s installer filename from ?setup.exe? to ?VPCSetup.exe?.

3) Now launch ?VPCSetup.exe?.

4) After you have installed it. Type ?C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Virtual PC? in the address bar of the File Explorer and press Enter.

5) Now rename ?Virtual PC.exe? to ?Virtual PC 2007.exe?.

6) Now launch ?Virtual PC 2007.exe? and it should run as normal.


Note: If it BSOD?s when launching a VM you have not installed the correct software.

Disclaimer: This is not supported by Microsoft.

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