All Blacks finish 3rd

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i am satisfied after our disappointing lost to wallabies last week (damn them :p)

good thumping of france

40-13 :)



GO ENGLAND for the Win.

and the next day

GO CAL (this weekend is the 'big game' - talking about university football)

Cal vs Stanford :)

We wanna keep the axe for another year :)

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dont be sour now... ;) we won fair and square.:laugh:

tho i think we all knew france would bow to the all blacks in that matchup.....last i saw it was like 33-13.. so at least they bumped up the margin before the end :D

good for them tho ^_^

now on to victory for australia... (thats if the uk does get into a kicking game with wilkinson :ninja: )

god only knows what gregans g0nna do tho... if him or mattie rodgers stuffs another kick of pass... we'll have to re introduce capital punishment

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hahahahaha.. not with that showing the other night , $3aud (hehe roughly a pound :p) says not even england would have held back the all blacks

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My first team was Wales, but sadly they couldnt quite do it, ah well.


wales did a bloomin good job... their last match was inspiring, simply amazing footwork
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i wanna get pay per view only for 1 reason

to see what wilkinson does

gregan says that wilkinson is not the main target , as a matter of fact he is the least spoken of.

i dont buy that..

i want england to win cuz i tend to support the underdogs :)

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It's a dirty same the Aussies beat the Blacks. Would have been nice to see Wales go all the way though, but you all knew that was pretty much a pipe dream :(

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games about to start.......... GO THE WALLABIES.......... its raining like h311 and the wind is up, which means wilkinsons out of action for field goals ^_^ W00T... yay for eastern states weather

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GO CAL (this weekend is the 'big game' - talking about university football)

Cal vs Stanford :)

We wanna keep the axe for another year :)

Well, at least both teams are going into it theoretically still bowl eligible this year, which is nice regardless, and makes things more interesting.

Someone might have to check if Cal's done a decent job cleaning the axe this last year.

I heard that's why it visits there every now and then. :)

Edited by poind
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