Rapist may have contracted HIV from victim

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A jailed rapist will discover this week whether he contracted HIV from his victim.

Richard Thomas, 27, collapsed when police informed him about his victim's medical status and is still waiting to hear if he has contracted the virus.

Thomas knew the woman and was aware that she has another illness but had not known about the HIV.

He was shocked when he was told and asked to be taken to hospital, Liverpool Crown Court heard.

He had let himself into her home in Leigh, Greater Manchester, uninvited in the middle of the night and she awoke to find him raping her from behind.

"She froze and no words were exchanged. He pulled up his shorts and left," said Harry Pepper, prosecuting.

"He was arrested and interviewed and said he had been drinking heavily, taken cocaine and ecstasy and could not recall the incident," he added.

His barrister, Virginia Hayton, said that he still cannot recall the attack but when told about it he said that the woman "would not lie, she tells the truth. If she says I have done it, I have done it."

Jailing Thomas for five years and four months, Judge Mark Brown said he had committed "this dreadful offence" while she lay asleep, having taken a sleeping tablet, and left her distressed and anxious.

He ordered him to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Thomas, of Sandringham Drive, Leigh, pleaded guilty to raping the woman on July 20 this year.

Miss Hayton said that Thomas, who has previous convictions but none for sexual offences, "is remorseful and cannot understand why he did it and it is troubling him."

She said that he will not find out the result of his HIV test until Friday and has had the worry of the outcome hanging over him.

"It is his own fault, if he had not committed this offence he would not have placed himself in this position."

She said that he started using cannabis at the age of nine and was drinking heavily at the age of 11. He became addicted to ecstasy and cocaine at 13 and was put in care the following year.

He has been trying to contact his family but they want nothing to do with him, she said, and he will now be away from his partner and their young daughter, as well as his two other older daughters from previous relationships.


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Saying this is good in any way just shows your depravity is the same as his, just in another form.

What? Really, I show no sympathy for a rapist.  Its a HUGE stretch to call me like a rapist. 

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if he's american. his lawyer will probably advise him to sue his victim. that's the 'beauty' of american justice system.


Liverpool Crown Court..  Im gonna go out on a limb here and assume that hes British or English.  

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Lets see how you feel when that guy is doing that to someone you love...

So the girl that was raped was someone you love? No? Yet here you are hoping some stranger dies a horrible death that never did anything wrong to you. Like I said, it shows your depravity. You can't call yourself civilized if you believe in eye for an eye. It's a pathetic way to look at people.

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So the girl that was raped was someone you love? No? Yet here you are hoping some stranger dies a horrible death that never did anything wrong to you. Like I said, it shows your depravity. You can't call yourself civilized if you believe in eye for an eye. It's a pathetic way to look at people.

You act like this guy was a innocent man. I could see your point if the rapist gave the victim HIV but this isn't the case. HE raped the woman and got HIV, he got what was coming to him. 

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No actually it doesn't.

Yes, actually it does. This person did nothing to you and yet you want horrible things to happen to them? You ignore that in most cases, we are talking about a mental issue that can actually be treated, yet you think the correct way to "treat" it is to make their life ######. Eye for an eye is depravity and uncivilized.

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You act like this guy was a innocent man. I could see your point if the rapist gave the victim HIV but this isn't the case. HE raped the woman and got HIV, he got what was coming to him. 

I don't act like he is an innocent man. I act like he committed a crime and should receive the appropriate punishment for that. You act like HIV is the appropriate punishment. Show me the law that says that? If not, you need to check your morals because they aren't much better than his.

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Yes, actually it does. This person did nothing to you and yet you want horrible things to happen to them? You ignore that in most cases, we are talking about a mental issue that can actually be treated, yet you think the correct way to "treat" it is to make their life ****. Eye for an eye is depravity and uncivilized.

Oh please, he's a damn rapist for feck sake.   

I don't act like he is an innocent man. I act like he committed a crime and should receive the appropriate punishment for that. You act like HIV is the appropriate punishment. Show me the law that says that? If not, you need to check your morals because they aren't much better than his.

LOL wow. No he got appropriate punishment and getting HIV from raping someone is a consequence and i'm glad the scum bag got it. His punishment is prison his side effect of doing something incredibly wrong is getting HIV. I guess next you want the woman to apologize to the rapist right?

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Your indifference toward the criminal behavior of others is why today there's really no reason not to commit violent crimes. You're actually referring to the rapist as though he is the victim.


You're probably one of those people who thinks this rapist should be locked away in a resort hotel with broadband internet and an Xbox as part of his "rehabilitation."

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Your indifference toward the criminal behavior of others is why today there's really no reason not to commit violent crimes. You're actually referring to the rapist as though he is the victim.


You're probably one of those people who thinks this rapist should be locked away in a resort hotel with broadband internet and an Xbox as part of his "rehabilitation."

Oh, so now you make assumptions. You most be one of those that things that if a child steals a candy bar from the gas station we should cut off his hand. Stick to what people said or I will just ignore you for being ignorant.

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I don't act like he is an innocent man. I act like he committed a crime and should receive the appropriate punishment for that. You act like HIV is the appropriate punishment. Show me the law that says that? If not, you need to check your morals because they aren't much better than his.

Quit it. Who are you to judge another person on the Internet. People have different opinions, and even if they are wrong, deal with it.


Pff, you act like the comments in here personally affect you! (not the first time I have seen this and you've been wrong about it).

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I don't act like he is an innocent man. I act like he committed a crime and should receive the appropriate punishment for that. You act like HIV is the appropriate punishment. Show me the law that says that? If not, you need to check your morals because they aren't much better than his.

He did a lot of drugs, he took a risk and committed a crime, and he might be paying dearly for it. It may not be a fitting legal punishment--nobody is sentencing rapists to be injected with HIV in court--but if you rape someone you have no idea what you might catch or get yourself into, and nobody is going to feel sorry for you if you end up catching a disease. Same as if someone murders and breaks their arm in the process. "Well, you shouldn't have been committing a heinous crime, then." Karma justice is quite satisfying, in my human-with-a-sense-of-right-and-wrong opinion.

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Oh please, he's a damn racist for feck sake. 

So punish him as a rapist. The law is fairly clear on that. If HIV was what he deserved, the law would say that. It doesn't, and thinking that he needs more punishment than that just shows your depravity.

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