XBOXONE Multiplayer w/party chat

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I can't play with friends on any game! and when it does work like on call of duty! we are on opposite teams. I tried to play NBA 2k14 with my friend for a hour and it still wouldn't let us connect! I really hope they fix this!

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Yeah, the party system really seems to have taken a step back with the Xbox One however I don't think it's completely down to Microsoft, I believe I read an article somewhere that suggested not being able to party up before joining a game and then being on the same team etc is actually down to Dice/EA.


At the very least the thing they need to fix is to have a setting to be able to automatically turn on Party Chat when I create a party.

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Yeah, whatever the issue is, it needs to get fixed.

I don't use the feature much, but I know people that want to.

If this is a developer issue, than MS needs to make that clear so we know who to direct our issues to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, the party system is almost a complete failure right now. Its way too cumbersome to create a party, invite friends turn on chat, join a game together, etc.

then there's the whole issue that my friends and I have been having, where party chat won't even work. We have to resort to using Skype, which is fine, but we sometimes hear players in the match not in our party and I wonder if they can hear us..

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Well MS seem intent on pushing updates and have mentioned issues with the party system as prime targets for updates, so it seems they will try to address it quickly.

However, I do not think that all of the problem is on MS' end. I think there are also widespread issues directly tied to the games themselves which make the experience worse.

The Killer Instinct devs released a patch a few days ago that included fixes to how the game works with the party system, offering a more stable experience. So that makes me think that while MS can improve things, maybe game devs themselves also need to fix issues that are making the experience worse.

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