MNF - Jets vs Titans

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Anyone who watched the game care to explain to me what the penalty was that caused the referee to state the game was over? I was playing cs and I heard him say the game was over and I was like wtf....


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Damn, I missed the end of the game. Was it a defensive penalty? In that case, no, the game cannot end under those circumstances. Being a Giants fan I know this all too well, as that blown call at the end cost us a chance at a re-kick in the Wild Card playoff against the 49ers last season.

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geez, what is wrong with the titans? middle of the seasons had me so pumped, but now after so-so jacksonville, embarassing 1st quarter vs. atlanta, and now loss at ny, we're really sucking. if play anything like this against indy we're gonna lose again bad :(

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geez, what is wrong with the titans? middle of the seasons had me so pumped, but now after so-so jacksonville, embarassing 1st quarter vs. atlanta, and now loss at ny, we're really sucking. if play anything like this against indy we're gonna lose again bad :(

that was definitely a rough first quarter against atlanta. i was at that game sitting near a bunch of titans fans and they were all getting really worried, but they made a great comeback, and thats the kind of thing that brings teams together, then last night they had a chance to tie that one up. its probably better that they work all this out now before the playoffs. they'll probably still end up with the 2nd seed in the AFC and a bye in the first round, nothing to worry about yet.

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yeah i hate that rule, i think its soo bs...

also i think that the nfl should be rid of the kneel, it makes it unfair for the def to get the ball back.

bah.. ten may have lost.. but they were on a 6 game win streak, it had to end sometime.

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yeah that is a pretty stupid rule. i dont any penalties should be enforced with the clock. the clock is the standard that holds the game together. yards can be penalized, but the clock should be left alone.

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Digest of Rules

Timing in Final Two Minutes of Each Half

3. If the defensive team is behind in the score and commits a foul when it has no time outs left in the final 40 seconds of either half, the offensive team can decline the penalty for the foul and have the time on the clock expire.

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Digest of Rules

Timing in Final Two Minutes of Each Half

3. If the defensive team is behind in the score and commits a foul when it has no time outs left in the final 40 seconds of either half, the offensive team can decline the penalty for the foul and have the time on the clock expire.

well now that i think about it, that rule isnt so bad, that way a team cant intentionally encroach to stop the clock. kneeling the ball is pretty lame though

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Careful guys! Wouldn't want to give the impression that a sports sub-forum could be wanted around here :whistle:

Sports forum would rule. Until then, we will have to have sports topics scattered alllll about. :yes:


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i don't see anything wrong with that rule either...

also, what's wrong with kneeling? unless you are trying to lose the game on purpose. would it make you happier if they handed it off to the running back, and then he just falls down on purpose?

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was it peyton manning who pulled the fake kneel once? except the refs figured he was gonna kneel and blew the whistle anyways...that was pretty funny.

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was it peyton manning who pulled the fake kneel once? except the refs figured he was gonna kneel and blew the whistle anyways...that was pretty funny.

I don't know if it was a fake kneel, but I have seen a fake intentional grounding get whistled dead. Pretty ****ed off QB! :D

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I don't know if it was a fake kneel, but I have seen a fake intentional grounding get whistled dead. Pretty ****ed off QB! :D

Intentional Grounding....If you watch, 80% of the time, those should be ruled fumbles. The QB almost never gets the arm up. Any other play, and that's a fumble.

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that's right, it was a fake spike, not fake kneel. he completed the pass but the ref already blew the whistle.

why does he have to get his arm up? i don't think arm position has anything to do with it. as long as it's moving forward. dropped forward shovel passes aren't fumbles either.

however, they should be fumbles if the ball doesn't actually cross the line of scrimmage.

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