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One of the only things that bothers me - and this is a very minor one at that - is the taskbar inconsistency. To illustrate:




The Start icon, Outlook, and Explorer icons (unopened apps) (as well as the system tray) are "flat"... the Chrome, Hexchat, and WMP icons have this inconsistent bezel around them... what I'd prefer would be them all without the bezel and the current app just be glowing. Should be easy enough to tell what is open by the width of the taskbar icon (open programs having the name etc)...


Normally, I'd ignore it (and I have until now), but I was wondering if there would be any simple way to fix this...

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The reason why they did this is because the default taskbar mode is without the program name so open applications in that case won't be noticeable without the border.

If they were to remove the border in this particular taskbar mode it would be bad for the user experience because the interface will be inconsistent in that case.


You can remove the taskbar border in the msstyles with windows style builder or with reshacker.

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