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Been reading a great deal on here and I can't help but wonder why there isn't more on 3d desktops. I understand they're not very productive. However they can be quite fun to use. Certainly opens up new options as far as apperances go. Personally I love eye candy.

Do people generally just not enjoy this type of thing? Im curious to hear opinions. I've tried quite a few. Some are really bad but some are quite good. Even created my own. If you've never considered this here are some examples: ,,,,


I realize I could just be blind and missing the posts all together. If so please somebody point me in the right direction. Thanks :)

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I remember BumpTop, probably one of the best implementation of a 3D desktop until Google bought them out. Still haven't seen anything from google that could have any relationship with BumpTop. You can still find it here:

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