Free Taskbar for Windows XP and 7 that adapts to the desktop Theme for dual screen

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I am looking into a free taskbar that adapts to the theme of the desktop like aero for a dual screen on the second monitor.

tried display fusion and ultramon  but its limited to 30 days only.

MultiMon Taskbar is free but doesn't look nice on Windows 7 and also does not display the actual screens correctly presenting some ghost screen for some reason.


Windows 8 would be optimal but I cant upgrade the machines.


After going on Free the second Taskbar disappears. At least on all the Machines I have seen. Not using it myself due to Windows 8.1. Cant activate it in the settings either:


Pretty useless Free Version of a multi monitor taskbar, isn't it :)

After going on Free the second Taskbar disappears. At least on all the Machines I have seen. Not using it myself due to Windows 8.1. Cant activate it in the settings either:


Pretty useless Free Version of a multi monitor taskbar, isn't it :)

Yeah lol

Though it's only 25 bucks for a lifetime license so it's not that expensive. There aren't much alternatives since most people aren't that lucky to have multiple monitors :D

Well I would already need 10 licenses right away and they are all Win7 machines. In less than 1 Year I will hope to upgrade them on Windows 10 and have the problem solved by the System Taskbar functionality. btw - Everyone who works with a PC should have 2 monitors. Once you go dual - you never go back

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