which game?

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i'm debating between 3 games to buy....

prince of persia sands of time (xbox)

viewtiful joe

and mario kart double dash.

does anyone have an opinion on which one of these games is better? over time i'll probably end up buying all 3....but i only have around 60$ now it being after christmas shopping and dunno which one to buy...help D;

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I'd go with viewtiful joe. Prince of persia is a good game, but it's really short, the combat is horrible, and it has no replay value. Mario Kart is good, but only in multiplayer really, and even then it gets old quick.

Viewtiful joe has a ton of replayability, is a challenge, looks great etc...

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Well not played Viewtiful Joe or Mario kart, but played PoP, I would say go with Viewtiful Joe, I heard Mario kart is mostly just for multiplaying and single isnt epsecially good and PoP is short and have some flaws. So go with Viewtiful Joe :)

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Prince of Persia is good clean family fun so I say get that.

I'm told Mario Kart is decent in multiplayer but if you have played games for a while it might be one to forget about.

Not even heard of the other one :p

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