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AngularJS Problem


Hello, I've got a website that I initially wrote with PHP and jQuery (with jQuery UI, Bootstrap, TouchPunch, etc).  I found I was doing a lot of jQuery related work, coupled with some php for initial loads.  It became that I was more or less doing double the code (one for php to do the logic at render time, then jQuery adding the same logic for dynamic Ajax related functionality).

I was looking into Angular, and I think that it will allow me to reduce the jQuery code, and remove much of the PHP loading and really keep the PHP on the backend as opposed to front-end.  However, I am running into some difficulties (which as I have found out isn't that surprising).

I am starting with my options page as it has multiple pages and the next step with it was to really make it more dynamic/jQuery oriented (perfect spot for angular controllers).  However I have a problem and I am not sure how to handle it.

Basically I have a main file called app.js which creates my base application:

var app = angular.module('davesapp',[]);

This is what is set in the html tag (ng-app="davesapp").   Then I have a second file called: options.js.  It defines a second app/module:

var app = angular.module('davesapp-settings',[]);

This file is included in the options.php page in the content section (so it is loaded only on the options page).  This file has all my objects/functions related to the options page.  Including loading settings via ajax, ($http.get) and saving settings ($http.post) as well as a function for controlling which options setting to show.  

This files controllers only work if I include it in the app.js file. Like so:

var app = angular.module('davesapp',['davesapp-settings']);

Now, this works fine on the options.php page however it causes issues with other pages as I don't include the options.js file on other pages (not needed).  Is there some way for me to create an array of some sort that based on the page I can tell it what to include/not include?  Like for example on the options page have it look the same as above, but on say the archive page have it be:

var app = angular.module('davesapp',['davesapp-archive']);

Also, I am really liking the Angular idea primarily for things like the ng-repeat and the ng-show/hide that I can put right in the raw html (similar to the way the PHP is done) vs doing foreaches / $('div').show()/hide() of jQuery separately.   However I kind of feel like maybe adding in Angular might be over complicating things... but with the level of dynamic stuff that this site will have.. I think it will be much cleaner than trying to do it with both PHP and jQuery alone.

Also, not sure if it will make any difference, but I use the Slim Framework with the site so it handles all the routing/templating.  The Angular is purely to make sections of the code much cleaner and allow for more dynamic sections without a bunch of jQuery.

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No one eh?  Alright.. well another option I was thinking...

Was that I could change the logic so in PHP I use a different ng-app based on the page I load.  Since I use a header.php file that includes all the css files, js files, sets up my structure, etc.  Thoughts?

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Have you tried using a AMD library to manage your dependencies? For example, requirejs. I remember Require.js being a pain in the ass to set up with Angular, but it might solve your problem.


You could look at other stand-alone frameworks for view manipulation, like KnockoutJS. I use knockout on a daily basis at work, and it's a nice framework. It has it's quirks, but I like it.


Personally, I stopped all Angular development and POC work when the Angular team announced that 2.0 was going to be a complete rewrite of the library, with little-to-no backwards compatibility. I really like Angular, but I'm waiting to see what happens with 2.0. (Yes I know the 1.x branch will continue to live on, but I'd rather wait for now. I'm not a huge fan of the 1.x API)

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Have you tried using a AMD library to manage your dependencies? For example, requirejs. I remember Require.js being a pain in the ass to set up with Angular, but it would solve your problem.


You could look at other stand-alone frameworks for view manipulation, like KnockoutJS. I use knockout on a daily basis at work, and it's a nice framework. It has it's quirks, but I like it.


Personally, I stopped all Angular development and POC work when the Angular team announced that 2.0 was going to be a complete rewrite of the library, with little-to-no backwards compatibility. I really like Angular, but I'm waiting to see what happens with 2.0. (Yes I know the 1.x branch will continue to live on, but I'd rather wait for now. I'm not a huge fan of the 1.x API)

Hmm, I may have to look into that.   I found a way to sort of solve my issue.  I found a thing called ng-module.  Which instead of binding an ng-app in say the html, you can wrap your content in a div, then do like

<div ng-module="davesapp-settings">

  or if you want multiple you could either associate them in the .js file or do 

<div ng-modules="davesapp","davesapp-settings">

See, for the basic site flow I rely on Slim to do the routing.  Then php for building the basic pages using the slim template then includes on the pages.  


I'm really using angular to clean up my code and make things cleaner moving forward.  Like instead of trying to do a foreach loop with jQuery I can do an ("ng-repeat=blah) and as soon as the object bound in the repeat is populated (http.get) it just does it.  

So I am probably not using Angular to it's full power or capabilities, but it definitely makes the code easier to follow.

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