Does Facebook Turn People Into Narcissists ?

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My experience with my friends is that it's really not so much about self promotion as it is 1. validation. In other words, when they post baby pictures it's not so much that they are saying 'look what a nice baby I have' so much as looking for a lot of 'likes' for self-validation. I think there is a subtle difference. It's not so much that they are promoting the baby as it is looking for validation for themselves.  


What I wanted FB to be was a way that I could look at old friends and see what their new lives were like and especially what new interests they have. I have new interests since college but no one seemed interested in those. They all seem to be stuck in the past playing, 2. "Another one bites the dust" or some other thing.  Yes, some brag about vacation trips and such, but on my friends list it's not so much like that as it is people posting baby pictures, casseroles, and "thoughts for the day". Oddly, the philosophical graphics and "thoughts for the day" have irritated me more than anything else lately.


Having a "thought for the day" in the morning is not such a bad idea. 3. But posting 10 in the morning, or worse, posting them all day long. Please friends get a clue!! 

I think this generally sums out what FB is.

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