Reddit bans 'Fat People Hate' and other subreddits under new harassment rules

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Reddit bans 'Fat People Hate' and other subreddits under new harassment rules


In the wake of a new anti-harassment policy, Reddit is banning a handful of its worst communities. "Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to have authentic conversations and share ideas and content on an open platform," a group moderator post reads. "We want as little involvement as possible in managing these interactions but will be involved when needed to protect privacy and free expression, and to prevent harassment."


The most prominent removal

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since subreddits can be started by anyone, it's a game of whack-a-mole


fatpeoplehate was banned, but there are about 15 other fatpeoplehate subreddits


:: just saw there's a Neowin subreddit, but it's private

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since subreddits can be started by anyone, it's a game of whack-a-mole


fatpeoplehate was banned, but there are about 15 other fatpeoplehate subreddits


:: just saw there's a Neowin subreddit, but it's private


It's like cockroaches, Reddit turned on a light in their room and they dispersed to all the other rooms in the house. :-\ 


I feel like /r/kotakuinaction does its fair share of brigading and harassment (just look at what happened this week with /r/planetside) but the admins don't seem to care about that.... they're very selective. 

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I feel like /r/kotakuinaction does its fair share of brigading and harassment (just look at what happened this week with /r/planetside) but the admins don't seem to care about that.... they're very selective.

That's pretty much normal considering what the subreddit is about.

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The fat shaming at that viciousness level is bad, I will admit.  "Bullying" is an immature, unintelligent thing.


Although I hate Rebel Wilson because famous people should be role models, and people THAT fat are morbidly unhealthy.  What do I do to address that hate?  Point out the related health issues?  I try to stay silent on the matter.


At the end of the day... telling a fat person they are fat is stating the obvious.  Being constructive will always be better, like offering to help them become healthier.  Or offering yourself as an exercise buddy.

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The fat shaming at that viciousness level is bad, I will admit.  "Bullying" is an immature, unintelligent thing.


Although I hate Rebel Wilson because famous people should be role models, and people THAT fat are morbidly unhealthy.  What do I do to address that hate?  Point out the related health issues?  I try to stay silent on the matter.


At the end of the day... telling a fat person they are fat is stating the obvious.  Being constructive will always be better, like offering to help them become healthier.  Or offering yourself as an exercise buddy.


I might have a problem with Rebel Wilson if she went around telling people its cool to be fat or made excuses, but famous people are entitled to be imperfect. So, I don't have a problem with her.


At the end of the day, just give your honest view when asked for it.

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Freedom of speech... unless we disagree with it!  Then you should be silenced!  :shifty:

When the US government throws you in jail for saying you don't like fat people, then we'll talk.

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I don't mind fat people, I dislike morbidly obese people though. I don't think publically insulting them is a good thing but I think an overall shameful attitude towards them is the right thing to do. Just the same as "tisk tisk"ing a smoker. I also dislike the whole, "This is my body, and it's beautiful" stuff. It's just encouraging people to feel good about being at an unhealthy weight which is not only bad for them but taxes the health care system. Take some responsibility for your actions.


Note: This is only to people who do not have a health issue which makes them fat, completely out of their control, as I'm fully aware that exists and unfortunately they are in the crosshairs. That in itself is not enough to stop discourging people from putting every sugary soft drink and donut in their mouth as they want because they're "beautiful".


This is an overall unpopular opinion, but I don't really care.


Having said all of this, I believe this subreddit was terrible and should go. So, good.

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Good riddance. It's one thing to frown upon obesity, but it's another to openly hate and mock people for their weight.

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There are other causes for the severely obese that are not food related. Seriously, do some reading. Not all obese have an eating disorder or by junk. To assume they are all the same is ignorant of their situation and you cannot know how they really are unless you know that person. Some even have mental disorders, low self esteem, or medical issues. Does not make them any less of a human and to be treated as such...or scoffed upon. People are different.

Personally, I dont treat anyone different based on their looks or physical disability.

Genetics can give you a propensity to store more fat, even a bit overweight, but to suggest that severe obesity (BMI greater than 35) is anything other than an addiction to food and a sedentary lifestyle is unscientific. As for your mentioning of low self esteem and mental health issues, your right in saying these contribute massively to the problem and the first line of treatment would include both pharmacological and non-pharmacological means to address the risk factors contributing to the patients eating disorder. But the problem is still an eating disorder in the same way that a depressed person who drinks his memories away is still an alcoholic not just depressed. The only difference is that the approach is modified when tackling their underlying causes. You are making the classic mistake that many laymen do when discussing disorders by confusing causative factors (directly responsible) and risk factors (concurrent conditions or actions that contribute). The sad part is that if you get a subscription through groups like Proquest or others and have direct access to scholarly journals on nutrition, it quickly becomes clear that this is non-controversial science. Its no different than global warming, controversial to anyone but the majority of nutritionist.


Just want to point out... most of those factors come down to personal choices. I mean, the site lists as a cause a person's "environment", but someone can choose to take control of their lives no matter where they live. They don't need to eat oversized food portions, or unhealthy food, just because its easy to get where they live. They can buy their own food and learn to cook. A lot of people deal with stress by eating, but they can choose not to, and deal with their stress in a better way, or learn not to get stressed as much.

I don't agree with Alexander, though. From my experience, most people who are overweight feel bad about it already. Shaming people often just makes them feel worse, and have less self-esteem.

In order to make good choices in your life need 1. the self-esteem to do it, 2. the right motives, which doesn't include people laughing at you. A-holes laughing at you is a really an awful reason to do anything, and an awful motivator.

Besides, spending your day laughing at fat people probably means there's something wrong with you, too. "Hating fat people is normal." No, its not.

Spot on

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I will pop onto Reddit once in a while to read blogs and news posts about certain topics, but for the most part it's not a place that I want to hang out at online. I am glad that Reddit is finally taking responsibility and closing down subreddits that are big sources of harassment. Now if only we had a way to hold people accountable for their online harassment...

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Should just ban reddit.



That's the problem with reddit: some things on there are just effin' awful. Some times it is ground zero for some of the worst crap on the internet. One the other hand, some people on there do really nice things for complete strangers. I guess it all depends which subs you frequent.



If you have a real problem with obesity and you know someone who is obese why don't you gently encourage them to exercise or introduce them to healthier foods. Obesity is a big problem ( :rolleyes:), it could even end up being worse than smoking, but being cruel to fat people doesn't help anyone.

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That's the problem with reddit: some things on there are just effin' awful. Some times it is ground zero for some of the worst crap on the internet. One the other hand, some people on there do really nice things for complete strangers. I guess it all depends which subs you frequent.



If you have a real problem with obesity and you know someone who is obese why don't you gently encourage them to exercise or introduce them to healthier foods. Obesity is a big problem ( :rolleyes:), it could even end up being worse than smoking, but being cruel to fat people doesn't help anyone.

Fortunately, the nastier and more hateful subreddits are less popular. I kinda want the Reddit admins to delete all of them but it'll simply be a war of attrition that they can't win. For every unpopular subreddit they delete, well.. cut off the head of one snake and two more will take its place.

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There are other causes for the severely obese that are not food related. Seriously, do some reading. Not all obese have an eating disorder or by junk. To assume they are all the same is ignorant of their situation and you cannot know how they really are unless you know that person. Some even have mental disorders, low self esteem, or medical issues. Does not make them any less of a human and to be treated as such...or scoffed upon. People are different.

Personally, I dont treat anyone different based on their looks or physical disability.

Oh believe me, I have read plenty. Do you know what portion of the obese population is that way from a medical issue? Less than 1%. Some ate just genetically predisposed to put on fat and that is why they have to try harder. Stop making excuses for them.

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Just want to point out... most of those factors come down to personal choices. I mean, the site lists as a cause a person's "environment", but someone can choose to take control of their lives no matter where they live. They don't need to eat oversized food portions, or unhealthy food, just because its easy to get where they live. They can buy their own food and learn to cook. A lot of people deal with stress by eating, but they can choose not to, and deal with their stress in a better way, or learn not to get stressed as much.


I don't agree with Alexander, though. From my experience, most people who are overweight feel bad about it already. Shaming people often just makes them feel worse, and have less self-esteem.


In order to make good choices in your life need 1. the self-esteem to do it, 2. the right motives, which doesn't include people laughing at you. A-holes laughing at you is a really an awful reason to do anything, and an awful motivator.


Besides, spending your day laughing at fat people probably means there's something wrong with you, too. "Hating fat people is normal." No, its not. 


Here's something for you to consider.


Does an anorexic choose to starve themselves, or do they have a psychological condition?

Do bullimics choose to binge eat then force theemselves to vomit, or do they have a psychological condition?


Why is it unacceptable to make fun of people suffering those conditions, but obese people are fair game?


I accept you don't make fun of them, but it's still something for you and others to consider.  Often, the reasons for obesity are far more complex than just "eating too much", just like the reasons for anorexia are far more complex than "not eating enough".

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Note: This is only to people who do not have a health issue which makes them fat, completely out of their control, as I'm fully aware that exists and unfortunately they are in the crosshairs. That in itself is not enough to stop discourging people from putting every sugary soft drink and donut in their mouth as they want because they're "beautiful".


I can assure you that very very few fat people WANT to be fat, or are happy about it, no matter how they may seem outwardly.  We don't ask for much, generally. Just not to be dissed, and maybe a little positive encouragement to help ourselves now and then.

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Fortunately, the nastier and more hateful subreddits are less popular. I kinda want the Reddit admins to delete all of them but it'll simply be a war of attrition that they can't win. For every unpopular subreddit they delete, well.. cut off the head of one snake and two more will take its place.


There's a simple enough solution.  Moderate the creation of new subreddits.

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Sorry, but 'harassment' is an essential part of free speech,  as what constitutes harassment for some group of people is entirely subjective and should never be censored. Reddit of all places should understand this, very sad that they have to give in to the PC mafia.

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