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Recommended Web Hosting for WordPress


I've recently taken up a bit of simple web development by developing a website for my local mosque (Quwwat-ul-Islam). It's currently being hosted with a previous developer on hostgator.

I've had a lot of requests from other local mosques and businesses to develop their websites for them and I'd also like to get a website done for myself and also for further testing with WordPress. For the mosques and businesses, I would definitely need unlimited bandwidth and web space as they will have very high traffic and bandwidth demands.

Can someone please recommend the cheapest options possible (Funding is especially low in the charities and mosques) with good UK based support. Ideally support out of hours or 24/7 with free or local numbers (not 0845 or 0870 etc) will be very helpful as most of the work will be done outside of normal business hours (Usually at very unsociable hours!)

13 answers to this question

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There is an older thread on hosting which you might find useful (althugh mainly focusing on VPS's). Or you can find some relevant topics with the hosting tag.


I personally have web hosting with Hostgator. Very reasonable price and support is excellent. There are a load of them out there these days though all pretty much offering the same thing.


How much traffic exactly are you expecting on these sites. You say 'very high', but how high are we talking here?

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What do you class as "very high traffic and bandwidth demands" as theirs only so far you will be able to go without a dedicated server.


OVH Web Hosting offer packages form

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Also worth thinking about how much support you will be wanting setting up these sites. You can go the fully managed hosting route whereby you can pretty much let someone else set everything up for you, or you can go unmanaged and do things yourself (of course with the added learning and no doubt pain but can be very rewarding). But they will be cheaper (see OVH above) than those which provide comprehensive support. Plus think about how these are going to be maintained once they are live and out there. If you're not careful you can end up getting a new unexpected job as admin.

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Keep in mind many visitors doesn't mean 1000 visitors per website per day, any proper hoster can handle that. I think you're fine with a shared hosting package when you've got below 9000 visitors, if you go above that I'd suggest looking into dedicated servers or vps, those can handle 30000 or more visitors depending on the price and hoster.

Also keep in mind those numbers are a very rough estimate and we're talking about visits at the same time, so having 500 visitors a hour for a whole day means a total of 12000 visitors which can still be handled by most cheap hosting providers since the actual visitor count at the same time isn't that high.

I personally host multiple sites at $2/month shared hosting without a problem :rofl:

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I had bad experience recently with Hostgator's helpdesk. Responsive staff, but it was a waste of my time, the problem was not fixed. And they increased the price this year. :(

Seems to me Hostgator is fine till you have an issue.

I personally host multiple sites at $2/month shared hosting without a problem :rofl:

What company do you have hosting with?

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Look for a UK based host not American as this will ensure the server response times for your visitors are as low as possible. Used to be with Clook.net myself and while a little more than the big companies they were fantastic and will probably fit your needs. 24/7 support, great uptime and tailored, flexible plans. 

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I had bad experience recently with Hostgator's helpdesk. Responsive staff, but it was a waste of my time, the problem was not fixed. And they increased the price this year. :(

Seems to me Hostgator is fine till you have an issue.

What company do you have hosting with?


It's has the worst reviews ever, that's why I like it :shiftyninja:

After looking at reviews again it seems they have regained their popularity and trust the last few years :|

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I can host yah for 80 a year for the 1st year and 120/yr for the 2nd and so on.

http://www.agnxnetworks.net for packages and pricing.

Server specs:

16 core intel Xeon



CentOS 7



West Coast USA location




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